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Why? Being Qantas they are probably some cheap shit poly cotton sweatshop produced garment that wouldn't last the 18 hour flight.
Whenever, there is no rush, it's not like I expect you to answer them before they are 4 months old :ha:

I hope tony has his clippers ready.
Oh no he'll still have that forest on his back...poor fella.

Hey little dave how'd your trip to the big smoke go? Get wet? I hear there was a bit of a storm down there today.
Stop start across the westgate, got of at kingsway and it was a smooth run from then on to sandringham. Went over to bayswater to catch up with family. Got a huge dump of rain as i went home on the western highway. Its nice to play games with the traffic
I had a good run out of the city in peak hour on Wednesday but it still amazes me how many dickheads have to continuously lane hop as if it actually gets them ahead of something.
I had a good run out of the city in peak hour on Wednesday but it still amazes me how many dickheads have to continuously lane hop as if it actually gets them ahead of something.

at least you have highway all the way, i have to get back through melbourne:violin2:
So would I if my appointments were on the other side of the city :ha:

Although I wouldn't call what we have east of about Pakenham highway, its friggen atrocious. Vic Roads ought to be embarrassed that interstate people might see that road, but instead they are too busy wasting money pulling out trees and putting up wires that will stop a truck from entering a medium strip.
What gets me is they have decided that trees in medium strips are dangerous so they get rid of the trees. Going to be reassuring for the next poor bastard that finds themselves unlucky enough to be looking at a 65 tonne B double crossing the medium strip. Trees may not completely stop 65 tonne and may kill a truck driver but I'm fairly sure there is no maybe about what happens to a car drive when hit by 65 tonne.
Plus there was a comment on here the other day about high beam, with no trees the lights need to be on low. Plus those wire ropes arn,t popular with the bikes
That stupid part is they reckon the bikes are one of the main reasons they are installing those wire ropes.

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