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Went to Farmworld Ag show yesterday. Gotta love all those tents full of cheap imported tools and crap, the same crap SCA sell but even cheaper and considering half of them either get lost around the farm or in the tool sheds it's better than paying top dollar for tools that get used half a dozen time before they go missing. (the good tools rarely make it too the farm they live at home)

Also got shitloads of those Narva type spade connectors, selling packets of 100 for $6 beats the crap out of buying 10 a pack from Jaycar for $5 or even ebay prices. 100mm cutting discs for less than $1 each, nuts and bolts by the hundred pack for $5. Forget buying tractors or slashers or anything like that these field days are all about buying cheap shit.
Been to Lardner Park quite a few times for Farmworld over the years. Bloody big day travelling from home though.

Went to the Seymour Alternative Faming Expo again this year. That has lots of the cheap tool shops there too. It has become more like a market & has almost nothing to do with alternative farming anymore. Most of those things failed years ago. Probably the only thing still kicking along are alpacas and that is most likely because they have generally become so cheap that farmers are using them as herd protectors. Anybody want alpaca fleece?

Followed your footsteps a bit Krafty. Here in Perth for a wedding tomorrow but as time is tight we flew over. I think I would rather be at work than at the wedding but some things one just has to do.
We sell llama wool once a year but yeah they protect goats and since goats are such good paddock clearers ($20 lawn mowers) they are worth it.

I would rather have been watching Bathurst qualifying than at my SIL's wedding last year but I didn't get my wish so you too can suck it up :big_smile:
Off tomorrow on a 3 state 2.5 week trip. Vic - NSW - QLD - SA (I start in Vic so I'm ot counting that).
Not exactly sure where and all we're going but it includes:
Someplace in southern QLD
Broken Hill
Marree (hopefully)
Port Augusta
Don't expect too much from "the Gutta" I drive though there every year and still can't bring myself to stop there for more than about an hour, it just doesn't seem like a welcoming town.

Ceduna is alright, most people seem to stay down near the foreshore but we prefer the caravan/cabin park sort of opposite the Coles Express servo because at night the "locals" seem a bit too friendly and the large fences that surround the caravan park which they used to hang off would suggest the fences aren't just there to keep holiday makers in.

The pub next to the foreshore caravan park used to do good meals and their reef and beef was almost worth waiting for, they always took ages to deliver meals there. The pizza shop isn't too bad either. I'd just make sure you lock everything you can unless you are sitting next to it.
Where's the Gutta??

I've got a canvas canopy with no mesh behind it so I wont be leaving the ute too far out of site very often. Prolly wont stay in Ceduna, think I'll motor on through it, I'll hit on the home run.
Port Augusta

I reckon PA is worse than Ceduna, the owners of the caravan parks at Ceduna do a good job of keeping things safe otherwise they wouldn't get customers but it's one of those towns where the locals have been told to keep it clean and they will get looked after but turn it to crap and every bit of assistance stops. In the most part they do ok but there is always someone wanting to buck the system.

We have never had any issues at the park opposite the Coles Ex, just about every time we've stayed there it's been 35+ and I've kept the canopy open for the fridge to stay cooler and I always run the fridge off their 240V while I'm there but that doesn't mean to say I'd walk down to the shops (or across the road) without making sure everything was locked up. Down in the caravan park next to the pub I don't think I'd leave the ute at all even though they have security gates.

Ceduna is definitely a better choice than PA you just need to keep your distance and the Coles Ex seems to be far enough out that they don't get problems, or what could be problems.
It's part of the Australian Field days mob that goes around the country so if you've been to one you've been to them all...although Gippsland just does it better like everything else :ha:
I'd say they are the same thing. Over priced food, a shitload of farm machinery for sale, then just about every other company who thinks they can sell stuff to farmers piled in tents for good measure.

One things for sure though at Farmworld you'd look out of place in a D22. The majority of utes were D40's (even a dual axle job) and BT's or Rangers. I thought being mostly farmers there would be a shitload of Cruisers and Lux's but Nav's out numbered them 3 to 1 I reckon.

Going by the carpark though you'd have to say farmers don't know about the recession of GFC :big_smile:
Saving it to spend on other toys like big tractors and stuff. We heard some suppliers talking about how hard they've been hit by current situations but lets face it when a gumboot supplier can offer $50 trade in on any pair of gumboots and convince farmers to go for the deal which obviously still makes them money despite the new boot supposedly last 3 times as long as other boots there is still farmers spending cash and still companies happy to take money for nothing.
Toyota were giving away free hates yesterday, there is bargains to be had as such events but I bet there is a large majority of people walk away from there having spent a lot more than they needed too.
We came home with a few ideas on how to fix the 3 point link on the Kubota, modify the thumper and change the slasher to an offest slasher but we left most of the freebie shit alone. We avoided ARB, Toyota,Holden and Aussie Disposals but we had fun with all the cheap tools and bits and had a long chat with Mr Kubota and Mr Massie, both think they are getting calls next week.

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