Hi there new to the site ,i have a 2012 D40 V6 STX 550 . After putting it into 4lo i had trouble trying to get it out of 4lo it went into fault 4WD tried most of the tricks mention on site checked wiring for condition and corrosion. In the end i took the actuator off the back of T/case turn input shaft in T/case anti clock wise till i had it in 2WD then turned actuator shaft to suit same direction ,also turned dial in car to 2WD . Symbol on dash now shows i am in 2wd but the VDC light is on constantly if i turn dial to 4HI it goes into fault 4wd. Took actuator off with missus in car with keys turned, in neutral, foot on brake, turning dial actuator didnt turn . Open bonnet and tried to listen to relays with fingers on top of the relays couldnt feel any thing .Which relays are they? and could it be the switches in the T/case ? actuator is clean as inside

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