Political !@#$%^&* Correctness.

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I don't agree with study and chances are none of the recommendations will ever be mandated but if there is anyone to blame for this kind of bureaucratic shit it's we the people who allowed this country to get to a point where governments are forced to do such things to "protect" themselves.

This crap isn't an issue relegated to one political side, both sides do this kind of shit when they get in power because there is too many do gooders trying to protect everyone and for too many years the average bloke has just stood back, disagreed but done nothing.

We're a lazy bunch of pricks!
In a similar vein - if you VOLUNTARILY and WILLINGLY came to Australia because you WANTED to be here, then you WANTED what is already here, so if you now suddenly decide that it's no longer what you WANT, feel free to revisit your original decision about coming here.

Ok, in simple words: if you don't like it, fug off somewhere else.

x2 and the majority
Well how's this, I read yesturday that there are call too have the Anzac day marches and ceremony's toned down, cause they don't want to offend new Australians, WTF!!!!!
F@ck offending them, what about ME!!! I'm not offended, I'm PISSED OFF at the slittiest suggestion at disrespecting our Diggers. These men and woman gave their lives too ensure our freedom and the freedoms they come here too get.
Shit like this makes me so angry, this is my heritage and our history.
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You do realise this sort of reaction is exactly why the media released the story the way they did. Even those who commissioned the study have stated the likelihood of any of the study actually being implemented are less than Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard getting into bed together.

The study was commissioned because some moron thought that Anzac Day needed to be re-invented to make it current and the government decided it had to research whether that was true rather than just agreeing and making the changes.

The study is there to prove such changes can't and shouldn't happen but typically the media tell the story as the government/researchers wanting change people hear or read this bullshit and react in such a way that creates heated arguments.

As per usual the media are playing the general public for the sheep that they are.
Just to add to Krafty's post, the people who did the study also admitted to not having interviewed any new Australians for the report. So all in all it ain't worth the paper it's written on!

i realy belive in calling things the way i see them if i see an aboriginal or a nigerain breaking into a car they are black thiefs, an arab with a turbin is a towl head cammel jockey the coconuts and tree monkeys are just that just because, chinese will always be pan heads to me , i admit there are good and bad to all races, as for blacks i have no problem with them i think every white man should own at least one
Really, believe, Nigerian, thieves, turban, towel, camel.

Just a few hints for you :ha:
Really, believe, Nigerian, thieves, turban, towel, camel.

Just a few hints for you :ha:

didnt say i could spell but thanks ill try to get betterer and try to use quotation marks and all that sortofstuff just because you are a geniousand imnot dosnt meanpeople cant understand what imtyping ,,,.."":sorry3:
You're doing much better, with a little more effort you'll have worked it out in no time.

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