PLEASE HELP, my D40's electrics have gone mad!!

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Jun 12, 2024
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Hi learned sages.
I have a 08 D40 (Spain) LHD auto dble cab witha all the toys!
10 days ago I parked on a slight down hill front wards. When I returned the drivers floor was wet. The engine took 4 or 5 tries to start, but did start. The lights and engine fan are on all the time. Wipers don't work. ABS, handbrake lights on. It drives but is quite brutal with gear changing. I got a wet hand when opening the bonnet, on the release handle. So water ingress seems the culprit.
I removed all the foot well panels and disconnected all the plugs, behind the left panel, cleaned, hiar dried and sprayed contact cleaner. The BCM is mounted behind a panel at the drivers right leg. I removed it and cleaned etc. There seems no water at the BCM.
The dash does no show an ECU light, strange?
Fault codes are P1612, P1610, U1000.
I believe the ECU is not communicating with the BCM?
Can anyone PLEASE help as it's driving me nuts!!
1612 and 1610 both generally relate to the imobiliser / key recognition issues. the BCM might not be wet, but a lot of the cabling and connections might have been impacted by water and possibly caused a short somewhere.

U1000 is an error relating to CAN comms, which again gets me back to the whole cabling / connections being in contact with water and shorting.

Heaps of videos on YT about U1000 and your P errors to see what you might be able to do other than resorting to a new BCM
Right! I've cleared all the fault codes. But I still have the fan and lights on. No wipers, indicators work but don' show on the dash. It drives ok. I don't know where to look next!
Check the fuse boxes in the engine bay!!

Theres one on the Passenger side that's a square shape with no writing on it!! i couldnt even find it for days after checking every other fuse box( if your cars right hand drive like Aussie ones)
Its located close to the guard, somewhere up back. pop the cover off, check it all.

check all the others too.
I had a blown fuse in there, think it was a starter bypass security thing bypassing ecu not allowing a start security.. cant quite remember .

I tried all kinds of pedal dances until i found this sneaky hidden fuse box. i was new to Navaras then & i didnt know it was there til i saw it online someplace or just random stumbled on it & opened it up. Theres alot of major bulk serious fuses in that box & the moment i plugged in a new fuse, the car started right away and drove no problems at all, and its never bothered me again.

I Smell something similar possibly with u.
Mine wasnt water leaks but occured when my fuel light came on while driving. It blew a fuse.
I lost all engine power. Full breakdown.
I couldnt restart. I didnt have a scan tool on me, but had a key symbol on my dash come up, and wierd lights and the engine fan coming on when i wanted to restart.

I've since read that its not an uncommon thing.
These Navaras are chock full of so many electrics.

Wish you luck!