P1273 limp mode

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Jul 5, 2024
Reaction score
South Africa
good day to all hope you could help solve my problem.
i have a Pathfinder 2005 YD25 it goes into limp mode as soon as it takes a little bit of load , on a level or downhill road all is fine but as soon as you get a slight uphill it goes into limp. if you switch it of and back on everything is fine for a minute or so or untill you get a down hill again.
i have changed the scv , fuel filters , air filter , changed fuel pressure valve and fuel relieve valve and mas.
i also changed the boost control valve with the three pipes looked for any vacuum leaks and exhaust leaks.
the egr is blanked off and there is no cat installed and has no sensors before or after cat [ it never had it since i bought the car ]. on OBD scanner is gives code P1273 i have done the peddal dance with every sensor i changed i hope there is someone that can shed some light.
thanks for your time.