NP300 EGR Blanking?

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Whats the deal with this? Are you guys doing a plate with no hole? I heard it works fine for the manual but on the autos it puts the car into limp mode?
Whats the deal with this? Are you guys doing a plate with no hole? I heard it works fine for the manual but on the autos it puts the car into limp mode?

Mine is a manual works fine.
I have read conflicting reports for the auto.
One said it threw codes the other said it worked.
Only know of 2 that have tried. Need more to try and confirm.
First decent drive after blanking the EGR, 604km no dramas.
Jump in fuel economy don't know if i can contribute this to the EGR.
Have to see if it is repeatable.

NP300 fuel.jpg
Ok guys there is a company called bushmans bits on facebook he has sussed out the blanking plates and will be selling them on the 4wd np300 navara facebook page and on ebay in a week or so.
Mine should be in the post office box today. Hopefully if the weather is good ill fit it tomorrow
Got mine from Bushman the other day and just finished fitting it.. about an hour.. he sent a description and pics with it.. I loosened the 3 EGR valve screws as far as possible and removed the two screws at the other end of the pipe and just managed to squeeze it in.. not much hand room under there so anyone with bear hands will struggle.. ha. only driven around the block (auto) no engine light (mine has no hole either).

On my weekly drive I get 8.1 on the screen week in week out, will fill up Sunday and see how the next tank goes with the plate in.
Mine has made no difference with the EGR blanked to fuel economy.
4000km now.
The first tank after blanking it must of been an anomaly.

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Deserthucker.. keep your log books.. when you have 150k kms you should still get the same economy.. the same cant be said if you never put the plate in.. my 07 Pajero was great up until 120k then economy gradually went south.
Deserthucker.. keep your log books.. when you have 150k kms you should still get the same economy.. the same cant be said if you never put the plate in.. my 07 Pajero was great up until 120k then economy gradually went south.

Yes I agree with that less **** going through the engine has to help wear and tare.
I see you fitted a chip a tank after fitting the it would be very very hard to compare and see if you gained any economy!

Good work tho!

The plate was installed after the chip and tank. with plenty km between so the data is close to accurate.
I too have a manual ST and no codes after installing the plate. Haven't bothered with economy thoughas I like to give her squirts all the time. That boost life haha
Have a look Here. Plug and play.

i would avoid that.
i suspect it is a resistor on the air temp sensor in the maf sensor to make it read very cold (or very hot) which fools the ecu into not turning on the egr.
trouble is there can be other functions that operate off that as well that it will interfere with.