We occasionally go for a run somewhere, from the Watagans to Chichester State Forest and up through Yengo National Park (Howes Valley Fire Trail).
These usually take the better part of the day, so you should pack lunch & drinkies. Toilets are scarce at Yengo, can smell rather poorly in Chichester especially after the yobbos from Sydney have been in there at Easter & Xmas and just don't bother in Watagans - last time we went there, someone decided it was more effective to take a dump ON the seat, rather than through the hole in the middle of it, and yes their aim was good, so if you need to fire shit at someone, look to hiring those that frequent the Watagan dunnies.
In all seriousness, we DO go for drives - just not very often and sometimes not 4WDing, but we have done some.
From a small track near Jerusalem Creek:
Fording the river across to Currawong - this is currently a LOT deeper, water over the bonnet now:
and crossing the relatively shallow ford at Telegherry Forest Park:
We have a
schedule of events for 2012 but not everyone goes (and sometime nobody goes). Work is not easy to avoid all the time.
We are going to Lithgow for the ZigZag railway in May, we just got back from Wellington Caves (bloody marvellous place) but we might not get to Macquarie Woods in June - we'll have to see.