..who wants to hang himself from the snorkel...
This forum, the information and you guys' vast knowledge has stopped me from taking that toaster to the bath so thank you all for that, I sincerely appreciate it all.
I had a hard life when I was younger, not a lot of guidance or help so I'm starting out a bit late to everything; I'm 37 and have only just earned my full license as an example. XD
I've drove my Grandad's f-150 ute up the driveway when I was 7.
I steered a road train while the drunk truckie had me sitting on his lap when I was 11.
Bought a running, licensed '67 HR Special for 2 boxes of Goon when I was 19, got done for no license and DD twice before I gave it to a mate of a mate for $50(still rego'd in my name lol)
Bought a '98 Liberty at 22 for 3k, drove that for months until I was again done for no license, no rego.
Drove Mum's car, got done for no license.
Mum got sick.. Had to get my s**t together so I got my L's and bought a '98 Sportage for 1.5k that took so much abuse I think it actually called the Police on me.. because I got done again, Unsupervised.
I woke up and started being a functional member of society... I bought an '04 XC Barina/Corsa for 1.4k at 34 years. I treated it like a shy princess and it was immaculate, I would regularly get 800km to a tank at $55 a fill and I genuinely started to feel like an adult, in a strange way...
I paid 9k and traded the Barina for the Navara as a present to myself for not being a degenerate and getting my license.
So here I am, keen as to learn more and to (maybe)save the Beast until 500,000ks with all you legend's help.

This forum, the information and you guys' vast knowledge has stopped me from taking that toaster to the bath so thank you all for that, I sincerely appreciate it all.
I had a hard life when I was younger, not a lot of guidance or help so I'm starting out a bit late to everything; I'm 37 and have only just earned my full license as an example. XD
I've drove my Grandad's f-150 ute up the driveway when I was 7.
I steered a road train while the drunk truckie had me sitting on his lap when I was 11.
Bought a running, licensed '67 HR Special for 2 boxes of Goon when I was 19, got done for no license and DD twice before I gave it to a mate of a mate for $50(still rego'd in my name lol)
Bought a '98 Liberty at 22 for 3k, drove that for months until I was again done for no license, no rego.
Drove Mum's car, got done for no license.
Mum got sick.. Had to get my s**t together so I got my L's and bought a '98 Sportage for 1.5k that took so much abuse I think it actually called the Police on me.. because I got done again, Unsupervised.
I woke up and started being a functional member of society... I bought an '04 XC Barina/Corsa for 1.4k at 34 years. I treated it like a shy princess and it was immaculate, I would regularly get 800km to a tank at $55 a fill and I genuinely started to feel like an adult, in a strange way...
I paid 9k and traded the Barina for the Navara as a present to myself for not being a degenerate and getting my license.
So here I am, keen as to learn more and to (maybe)save the Beast until 500,000ks with all you legend's help.