Yeah today was sick as! Had a faaarkin great time!
Thanks for the lunch & a great day matty, and say cheers to your bro for us for showing the way. Don't think we would have made it as far without the mav infront haha. Hope your cab doesn't smell like d*gS**t haha. U've got balls i'll say that much!
Track had heaps to offer, bit of everything really.
NO idea how the d40 got through, was with a sick as cruiser and hilux, maybe they dragged him through. Worst thing for him would have been the clearance i reckon, he was scrapin abit.
chicken tracks were even a bit hair raisin in places, water crossings weren't too bad unless u charge into a massive mud hole (completely optional... matt...)
All well impressed how the navs went, especially as mine's basically stock. Bit of lift and some decent rubber would have been very handy.
Sortin through like 300 pix now so will get some up asap