looking to buy a d40..buy a thai or spain built?

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Jun 23, 2012
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hi guys
im new to the forum and im looking at buying a black or grey 2nd hand manuel
diesal duel cab.i want to lift the duel cab/ winch etc
should i be looking for a thai or spain built navara??what is easier to find parts for?.
Welcome to the forums.

While there are some differences between the two models as long as when you buy parts you specific the model (or origin) you'll find they both pretty much do the same job.
By now most companies do parts for both but you have to specify when buying because even shop owners who sell this shit every day don't always ask the question.
I've got a heavily modded Navara. We have 5 company utes - all the rest hilux's - my navara costs same as the toyotas combined each year to keep running.

They aren't built to be modified. If I was you stick with Toyota - hatre to eat my words. But Navara's fall apart.....

Mine is 4yrs old now and has been on a tow truck 3 times. Just spent so much on it - cheaper to keep fixing now than upgrade to a Hilux & start again.
"Navara's fall apart" is a pretty good statement, maybe we tomorrow can get Tony Abbott on here and he can blame all this "falling apart" on the carbon tax.
so am i better off looking at the hilux?
i was going to buy a hilux but most dealers have x mining cars.

was looking at all the new cars ranger /bt 50 /amarok .i cant justify paying 50 /60k for a car.
didnt think the nissan was that bad.i was aware of clutch problem.
i have always owned toranas/commodores.i have just hopped out of a xr6 turbo.

wanted to buy a 4x4 to get the family out camping do a trip to stockten beach etc.
are they that bad what should i look out for?
The fight between the two is bullshit. Both are vehicles that COULD have problems people ragging one of the other is purely because of one experience. Both Nissan and Toyota sell thousands of these things a month if "nissans fall apart" or "yota are shit" then they wouldn't be selling them.

Buying is personal preference and at the end of the day you have to please yourself but to believe one is massively better than the other is not giving yourself all the information.
go and test drive one of each and see which you'd prefer, comments about them falling apart is crap, i work in the mining industry and our Hilux's fall apart too, have lots of clutch issues and their front quarter panels cannot be leaned on as they're made of paper and will instantly dent... but this is in a tough work environment where people don't care or drive them as they would their own vehicles, any vehicle that is abused or mistreated will not be reliable.
go drive them, see which falls within your price range and which one you prefer, and don't ever buy an ex miner!
i have driven all of the new cars on offer.
but im finding the new car prices over rated.
i maybe should go drive both with 70 000 km.
are the navaras still reasonably tight with these sort of kms?
i have found a d40 2007 manuel turbo diesel for $26000.
4x4 black duel cab is that a fair price?
http://www.carpoint.com.au/all-cars...e_DateTime|1&keywords=&MileageTo=752&__N=1216 1247 1252 1282 4294963186 4294963846 898 752&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&seot=1&__Nne=15&trecs=418&__sid=13815A67F751
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The fight between the two is bullshit. Both are vehicles that COULD have problems people ragging one of the other is purely because of one experience. Both Nissan and Toyota sell thousands of these things a month if "nissans fall apart" or "yota are shit" then they wouldn't be selling them.

Buying is personal preference and at the end of the day you have to please yourself but to believe one is massively better than the other is not giving yourself all the information.

what he said.

My family members will only ever buy toyota's and think everything else is inferior. Biggest reason why I bought the Nissan, I have owned a GQ and a GU both were great vehicles.

The Navara fell well within my price tag and is going to be more than capable of towing the camper and do regular 4wd weekends away with the family.

If you search this forum you will see if there are any reoccurring issues with the D40 that you should be aware of.

Most importantly, purchase what makes you happy, not what the internet tells you you should buy.
OH NO!!! you got the wrong one, you should have got a Yota, then never fall apart!

Congrats on the purchase :big_smile:

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