Interference on GPS and Reversing Camera - SOLVED

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Jun 16, 2011
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Hi all , went to hook up the reversing camera and had a problem with the camera and monitor not working properly , very dark and unable to see and scrolling on the monitor . At first I thought, 1 - wiring pulled apart the wiring and checked all seemed good . 2 - low voltage but , reversing circuit has two led spot lights running off it one on each side hooked up to the reversing light wire and both work ,and a quick check with the multimeter showed voltage all good 12v , off the reversing light . 3- possible faulty gear , had already checked it with battery out of the boat but you never know got battery hooked up camera and monitor , no problem , perfect picture . OK says to myself , self by pass the reversing circuit and wire it to the second battery set up in the rear tool box with a switch to power it up when required . Got a length of wire to test the theory and off the battery in the back , it was the same as when I hooked it the reversing circuit .
I have noticed the cheap Street GPS pulses for want of a better word and thought it to be just a cheap GPS as the Garmin 60cx doesn't pulse .
Could it be the electronic rust prevention causing the problem , can some one shed some light on the subject .

Is there a difference in the wire from the camera into the back of the GPS unit when you successfully test it outside and when it's installed in the vehicle? Is the wire running from the camera under pressure anywhere (eg really tight clamp) or has it been jagged on a sharp edge somewhere?

I have electronic rust proofing in mine and no issues with the reversing camera. You could try unplugging yours and see if it makes a difference but I'm wondering about the wire described above.

The other consideration is the earth point on the stereo. This is similarly cheap to test - just run a wire from a known good earth point (like the battery negative terminal to be 100% certain) and connect it straight to the chassis of the stereo. It's safe - it's supposed to be earthed - sometimes the earth point (which is shared with the instrument panel) gets disturbed when working on the stereo.
Ta Tony,
The wire out of the camera reaches the reversing wire to the bulb . the wire off the camera is the same wire I just moved the battery out of the boat to the back of the car and tested with monitor and camera , perfect picture . hook it back up to the car and it seems to go nuts dark scrolling , does not matter if it is hooked up the reversing circuit or either one of the extra batteries or the starting battery under the bonnet it goes tripping out , but hook it to a separate power supply works great . The video cables are the same for both tests and are actually two long and I was going to shorten them. The monitor is just for testing as has no GPS and so used same power wire .
The cheap GPS is just that a cheapie street nav, olin brand and it has always pulsed on the screen view for lack of a better description . but sitting beside it is a garmin 60cx with my topo's it does not flutter or pulse and both are hooked to the same power circuit as the 600watt inverter under the passenger seat , running from the extra batteries is a 50 amp wire.
Both GPS 'S will be replaced by one with a larger screen, able to support a reversing camera . The small Garmin is used as the second GPS on the boat or walking Lakefield for barra.
Tomorrow I hope to finish on time due to the rain and I will try turning the electronic rust proofing off , to see if it is that . I just can't see it being anything else :confused2:. Perplexing .

Thanks . All sorted was the Projector 50 amp charger . All good just going to put a switch in to allow me to change cameras .
Hi all , went to hook up the reversing camera and had a problem with the camera and monitor not working properly , very dark and unable to see and scrolling on the monitor . At first I thought, 1 - wiring pulled apart the wiring and checked all seemed good . 2 - low voltage but , reversing circuit has two led spot lights running off it one on each side hooked up to the reversing led light wire and both work ,and a quick check with the multimeter showed voltage all good 12v , off the reversing light . 3- possible faulty gear , had already checked it with battery out of the boat but you never know got battery hooked up camera and monitor , no problem , perfect picture . OK says to myself , self by pass the reversing circuit and wire it to the second battery set up in the rear tool box with a switch to power it up when required . Got a length of wire to test the theory and off the battery in the back , it was the same as when I hooked it the reversing circuit .
I have noticed the cheap Street GPS pulses for want of a better word and thought it to be just a cheap GPS as the Garmin 60cx doesn't pulse .
Could it be the electronic rust prevention causing the problem , can some one shed some light on the subject .


perfect informative thread..I have been facing similar problem and i will get the charger right to solve it now.. Thanks for your input
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