How open centre diff works

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So now with the front end off the ground, hubs locked and transfer in 4wd you can only rotate them a 1/4 turn at a time? What does it do with one side still on the ground?
was the Hubs!!! Thank f@#k i thought it might be TC or still the seems to of been a combination of the hubs and wheels alighnment,the reason that i pulled the diff was due to the right cv not haveing drive which i now think is due too the wheel alighnment being so screwed that it had to much resistance so was just driveing left that explains that but then it wouldnt turn more than a 1/4 rotation,that was BOTH hubs,have fixed one by pulling it off and giveing it a a tap inside and walla that sides wheel now turns like clockwork.i didnt know that they were meant to have a bit of spring in them.the other side has been screwed for a while and is beyond repair so new pair is in the mail and problem should be solved with the new pair.

i didnt know that the hubs could be such an issue,i thought they either worked and engaged or they didnt and just stayed unlocked,but no they can apparently do what they did in regards to the rotation and also they were doing something that felt like they locked the front end when turning (wheels were skipping and leaveing skid marks.probbly would of had it sorted if i didnt do an all nighter looking at it with my head just doing circles haha
now i just gotta figure out why my draglink bolts are scrapeing the chassis :confused:
haha yep.its why i like working on it myself,come being stuck in the middle of aus i dont want to be there scratching my head so the more i can learn and know what to do the better.
cant see why my draglink bolts are scrapeing the chassis on both sides though,the new adventure begine lol
cheers for all the help,will get that pic of the diff parts up tommorow