ok so as title states, planning on doing a working holiday over 3-4 months end of this year into the beginning of next. basic plan is to follow the coast around and get as far up as geraldton.. all depends on how much work i can pick up to how far we get thou. am a qaulified cabinet maker with experience in general building and what not. also worked in farming for a while so if anyone out there knows of any jobs going or contacts along my route sling em this way .
will be towing an old van i've bought but will be un hooking that and heading into 4wd county as much as possible.. guess im just looking for some ideas on where to go, what to see and if anybody has done something simular in the past.. cheers
will be towing an old van i've bought but will be un hooking that and heading into 4wd county as much as possible.. guess im just looking for some ideas on where to go, what to see and if anybody has done something simular in the past.. cheers