FIXED the Dash Rattle...GONE.

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Chris C

Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Maitland area
Hi all,

After having a vent yesterday in the Rattle thread, trying to find answers for the tinny, annoying rattle which mine has had from new, I cracked it yesterday, called into ford dealer to get a price on a Ranger XLT dual cab auto, should get the prices today, they are a nissan dealer too, so the trade should be interesting.

Anyhow, back to the rattle, sounded like a 6mm washer laying on a bit of sheet metal, just humming away to the harmonics/vibrations of the car, pretty much there anywhere over 1800rpm to 2800 rpm, any speed from walk to 140, clutch in or out, in gear out of gear, brakes on or off, it did not matter, it was there. Super smooth hotmix and 100kph in 6th bought quiet time.

But, after woking out I could stop the noise by grabing the brake pedal and pulling it up towards me, pulling hard mind you, the rattle stoppeed, every time.

Got home, push the brake pedal down hard and release fast, so it would bounce back against the stop with a thud, got the rattle to happen, every time.

Further flicking of the pedal, and help from a bystander to stick head under the bonnet, found the fluid line from the clutch master cylinder was vibrating, it was not pushed all the way home in its mount on the fire wall, in between the clutch and brake master cylinders.

Pushed it all the way home, it was better, but still made the noise a little, further testing found the line to be about 1mm off the rear of the brake booster, the pipe runs downwards on the right hand side of the booster, a finger placed on it stopped all noise, so a hammer handle pushing on the lower section and a “tweak” of the top section, now has a 10mm gap all around it, no noise.

I also went along and made sure all the other were pushed home in their clips, they were, the A/C pipes also run along there, the clips for those are crap, the pipe just falls out at the lightest touch, so a little packing and wrapping saw them secured and noise free.

I was 100% sure it was behind the dash, don’t bother looking there, if you have a manual, check your clutch line, start at the master cylinder, follow the line along the firewall, check it is in the clip, then follow it to where it goes behind the booster and down, you should be able to put your finger in between the line and the booster, if not, it will touch, bend it away, or pack it out with soft rubber.

If you have an Auto, there are about 5 other lines including A/C lines that run in the same area, all just flop about here and there, check them, they will be the source of at least one noise.

I had the first enjoyable drive in my new car this morning, after 5300km of pure hell, I actually enjoyed driving to work this morning, I could not get a noise, anywhere, laboured it down to 900rpm in 6th pulling up a hill in town, no noise, it was great. I cannot describe how good it is to find it.

I will still be having a good hard look at the new Ranger, it is a nice thing, HUGE cabin, good specs, I may wait a few month until they have sorted their prices, but if he comes back close to 12-14K change over, I will do the swap. I am angry with myself that I did not wait to see the new Ford, but I was told it would well after Christmas before we would see them and I needed a truck. Live and learn I suppose.