Electrical Gremlins

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steel d40

Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Perth WA
Hi All
Had a strange one the other day in my 2.5 D40. Was driving at night & had the battery & brake idiot lights come on. Had a look & could see nothing obvious So I phoned the lease co. to arrange NRMA to check. Guy tells me alternator is stuffed & not charging at all.

Next morning drove car hoping to get 100km to home & found no idiot lights on & Nav running fine. Checked under the bonnet after driving & find alternator post at battery hot as hell & melting plastic all around it.

As it's a lease & still under warranty I took it to the Nissan Stealer who at first had me up for an alternator & wiring harness, at my cost because post had been used for canopy light power source, unfknbelievable.

After a little more investigation a more junior mechanic found the real prob.

A layer of surface oxidization on the post was restricting the current from the alternator. Sufficiently at first to cause no charge & subsequently enough to cause melting of everything around the post. They are going to replace all damaged bits under warranty.

The annoying part of this is the Nav has always been dealer serviced (Lease) & they have obviously never looked at the terminals. Alittle squirt of WD40 occassionally & prob never occurs. I know I will be doing this in the future. I'll also trust my instincts & not the NRMA service guy in future as a squirt of WD40 was the first thing I thought of but was told was a waste of time.

Lesson learned.
My dealer always re coats my terminals in some magic blue paint to stop sulphation at every service. Some Vaseline works too.
Poor form on your dealer not replacing the melted loom because of one canopy light.
I use CRC battery terminal spray on mine (sticky yellow spray), as i think i broke the seal on one of my batterys terminals by using to much force clamping terminal and it now gets oxidization on the negative terminal. Spray helps a lot but still gets a little white powdering ****. Tip be careful not to knock terminals to break seal.
Nav is 2007 model just short of 80000 km service.

I would of thought a battery terminal check & clean would have been part of the service. Should have known better.