EGR/Butterfly Mod Super Thread

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Has anyone had many problems with loosening the two 12mm bolts holding the EGR inlet to the manifold on? I for the life of me just cant loosen them with a little 12mm spanner, I am at the point of burring the edges of the bolts and I dont want to accidentally twist off the heads on the bolts.

Do these bolts seize up often? I seem to remember one person on here twisting off the top of the bolts and he has to unscrew them somehow with some sort of specialised tool.

i had one that was really tight. use a hammer socket on it, even better use a rattle gun.
Yeah I don't have access to a lot of high end gear. I ended up managing to use my dads old Stillson wrench to crack the bastards. So scared of twist off the tops though haha. Burred the **** out the bolt heads so I figured as cheap insurance I would pay $2.50 and get two new bolts from autopro before I wack the blanking plate in.

Sorry at work atm so don't have time to go through all the threads, come someone please explain the benefit of this mod is?

With thanks

It stops the exhaust gas being recirculated back into the inlet manifold, normally this mixes with the oil vapour from the PCV and forms a thick black paste that slowly coats the inside of the intake runners and head ports, eventually choking the air flow through the engine.
Less air means hotter exhaust temp (not good) there are other smaller side benefits too but stopping the crud build up is the real reason for doing it.
Hi All,
I gave this Mod a go over the weekend and did a catch can at the same time, followed the diagrams for butterfly mod etc., seems to be all good with benefits as described.

Just wondering, is it normal for there to be turbo whistle on idle? (didnt whistle on idle before egr block)

I have a 3" turbo back exhaust with high flow muffler. snorkel with bypass tube & k&n replacement filter.

Probs means your air intake system is leaking somewhere. Did you tighten up the intake to the turbo, as I assume you may have taken it off to fit your catch can?
Nah mate the intake is on tight. All tubes etc are sealed. Is there anyone else with the same setup with a turbo whistle on idle from the exhaust. (Not noticeable in engine bay)
I have a 3" mandrel system with a high flow muffler only, also catch can and still have the original snorkel setup. So in assuming it is similar, I had a noticable whistle prior and also louder whistle after doing the mod. Apparently this is quite normal, as the turbo uses more air and spins more freely thus more whistle. As previously stated make sure your air filter is clean and oiled regularly if you use the k&n to help assist airflow and lessen potential of dirt getting in
Sounds like an almost identical setup mate. Cheers. I thought that would be the case. More pressure flowing through the turbo as its no longer split through the egr. Makes sense.
Hey fellas need your help once again I just blocked my egr and did the butterfly mod now when I turn my car of it makes a poof noise is that normal ino I did the vac lines right I double checked and had some one else as well what could it be ?? Or completely normal ??
Mine does the same thing but I did the catch can at the same time...I just assumed it's my turbo spinning that I can hear...It makes the noise about 3 seconds after shut down...I have done about 6000 k's since the mod with no adverse effects so I am not qorried about it...
are you sure its not the shut off butterfly releasing ?
it usually makes a noise a few seconds after shutoff.
Mine is deff coming from the butterfly mod some where because it never did it b4 I done the mod I put the plate in and it was a loud poof noise and when I did the butterfly it was more softer just wanted to kno that it was meant to make the noise
Hi Tweake. Ive recently done the mod. blanked and butterfly swirl. im in the process of getting a custom tuned chip from morepower in adelaide. how should i get them to tune it to suit this mod. or will the computer make the appropriate changes needed. Cheers mate
Hi Tweake. Ive recently done the mod. blanked and butterfly swirl. im in the process of getting a custom tuned chip from morepower in adelaide. how should i get them to tune it to suit this mod. or will the computer make the appropriate changes needed. Cheers mate

i've heard of a couple reports back that those with chips have picked up power in the low rpm. i think that the chips are pouring in lots of fuel (its fairly underfueled in the low rpm's) and the mods let more air in that the fuel can use.
so basically wind up the fuel especially in the low rpm's. with a custom tune they may be able to tune out the egr as well. i'm not sure if the ecu changes injectin timing when egr comes on. so they may be able to tweak timing a bit to.
finally did this mod to my 06 d22

removed the old gasket with the hole from pipe 1 in the first pick on the first page cut out the new blanking plate from 3mm stainless and bolted it in i put some gasket sealant on for luck

the pipe only flexed back 5-7mm enough to get the new plate in is the right?

changed the pipes around using the auto cad drawings on the first page and the pipe from the black solenoid that doubles over back into itself is a little kinked is that ok? and i have not unpluged the brown solenoid plug yet should i?

the car drove very much the same can someone reassure me i have done this correctly i hate ****ing with things i dont totally understand

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Mate the tubing which doubles back on its self does nothing anyway, that usually just connects to the EGR which you are disabling anyway. You just put the little piece there for safe keeping if you ever want to change it back to stock for sale or legal reasons. Plus it looks stock if the tubing is on there especially to suspecting eyes. You wont notice massive power gains, the reason for this mod is to increase the longevity of the engine by not recycling exhaust fumes over an over which leads to more soot/carbon build up and quicker oil fouling.
just spoke with a bloke at an exhaust joint and he rambled on about the egr mod being a bad thing and breaking the pipe and i should change it back

are there any negatives should i keep it blocked?
vibration shouldn't be an issue even if there is an increase.
breaking the pipe, they are known to fail with or without egr. i think the patrols had a recall for that.

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