Diesel Power Module Install on a D22

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Jun 2, 2009
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Hi all,
After ripping out my hair for a few weeks I have finally installed a diesel power module in my 2006 navara. For a simple job it was a mission but hopefully with this guide it will be a "15" min job for even a novice to attempt!

So here goes:

Tools needed:

Flat head screwdriver
socket set

Time needed:
1/2 Hr to 1 Hr

Step 1:
Unpack the box and you should have a power module, a wiring harness, scotch locks, instructions, black extension wire and Velcro tape.

Step 2:
THROW OUT THE INSTRUCTIONS...... BURN THEM OR FEED THEM TO YOUR DOG!!! I don't care what you do but they are wrong for the navara and barely adequate to complete the job.

Step 3:
The first thing you should do is locate the fuel pump on the engine and then where the wiring harness is that you need to connect your black extension wire to. It is vital that you get this wire correct or you may damage the module!!!

It is a pain in the arse to get to and it is almost a touch and no see job. The fuel pump is located on the driver's side of the engine about midway. There are two wiring harnesses that connect to the fuel pump. The one that is used only has four wires clumped together:

Here is the fuel pump and it is easier to remove these harnesses to access the wire to connect to.


Here is the thinner wire you want.


Use the scotch locks provided to attach the black extension wire to the upper most wire closest to you as you stand next to the drivers side wheel.


Then route this black wire through the firewall using a rubber grommet. Reattach the other bolts you removed before.

Step 4:
Next is locating and removing the ecu wiring harness. The ecu is located on the transmission tunnel behind the middle dash and is accessed via the drivers foot well. You need to remove one carpet clip to fold the carpet down to access the ecu.

To remove this harness you need to use a 10mm socket and loosen then pull the plug off the ecu.


Now to remove the plastic cover to get to the wires. Take a flat head screwdriver and pry the four tabs and pull the cover off.


Step 5:
Time to hook the red module wire to the red wire at the top right corner of the harness. I was told to only use scotch locks as the heat from the soldering iron may damage the ecu.


Then connect the black module wire to the black harness wire at the bottom of the harness closer to the driver. Now connect the white module wire to the blue and white striped wire on the harness.

These two wires are correctly placed in the instructions but are a different colour in real life.


Step 6:
Finally connect the green module wire to the black extension wire that was installed earlier.

Step 7:
Install is complete now. Zip tie the wires out of the way and neat, reattach the harness to the ecu and connect the module to the newly installed harness. This module has a best tune of setting 3-4 for stock navaras. I have set mine to 7 as I have a few mods. Once set go for a test drive and feel the difference!! If you are happy the module will fit out of the way behind the air conditioner. Replace the carpet and you are finished. One tip is that the key must be removed from the vehicle while you are working so that the ecu can reset.


I hope this diy guide can help someone as I needed help myself and thanks must go to Turbo Australia at Darra who gave me assistance and three hours time to sort out everything. Thanks guys.
Gday iv got the some chip it is a pain in the ass like you said trying to get that black wire on the fuel pump was the worst
i turned my chip up to 8 i think can notios the power increase but then i put bigger tyers on and lost it so exhuast and snorkle and gu air box time
yeah the fuel pump was super hard to get the scotch lock on. I gave the chip a thorough work out at scenic rim adventure park on the weekend and it was good, although sometimes when starting from a stop up a steep hill I felt that the setting it's on over fuels the engine and it took a little to get use to and I stalled it on the first hill.