Get rid of the lawyers.
Nakedape is a huge 2GB fan as you would know, so he would know Ross Greenwood is on at 6 every night.
On a serious not. I would like to see Ross Greenwood in treasury.
We need people in who know what they're talking about.
Look at Peter Garret, what a !@#$wit he is. He's a bad singer now in charge of education.
Any wonder people are getting dumber.
Nakedape is a huge 2GB fan as you would know, so he would know Ross Greenwood is on at 6 every night.
On a serious not. I would like to see Ross Greenwood in treasury.
We need people in who know what they're talking about.
Look at Peter Garret, what a !@#$wit he is. He's a bad singer now in charge of education.
Any wonder people are getting dumber.