Dave's new Dmax.

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Here is the stereo that comes stock in my model Dmax.

Yeah sure Joe. Funny you mention it actually, John did offer me a set of Sax springs for it. For free too. Lol, I said dont bother, I wont be fitting them.

Will look into it Rob. Very happy with the truck.

Chule. Have ordered a bullbar, got a brand new winch in the shed for it. Its a Premier winch I never got around to fitting to the Navara.

Tony. I am assuming you mean a Navara badge. Ill let Isuzu know. Haha.
Dave . I realy think I would have went with the green ! it looks Cool :)


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He might have green flowing through his veins but he's is through and through a red head lover so the ute needs a red roof.
I thought I had made my stance on the Greens pretty clear. Haha.

I will say though, I hope the Greens get their way about shooters not being allowed into the National Parks.

Why, because they wont support the sale of the power stations if they cant shoot in the parks.

Other then that, I couldn't give a rats arse where people go shooting.

Privatization will destroy Maquarie Generation etc.

I see the result of privatization everyday, its not pretty. Far from it.
Like ?

Privatzing the Commonwealth bank just shifted money from the public purse to share holders.

The public who owned these companies had to buy shares in a company that was already theirs.
Power companies in Victoria for a start. Many people lost their jobs because of privatization but it was a shitload less than would have lost their jobs if the government kept ownership. Sure we no longer own the resource which is not great but the government could not have kept operating the system the way they did for this long whilst keeping the number of people the private companies have kept in work.

There is always more than one side to every story and privatization is just another story where it pays to look at both sides before jumping to conclusions.
Bring in some private enterprise minds, get rid of the union greed and cut middle management.

Once apon a time government could manage these things.

Why cant they now ?
Because workers want more money, workers want less hours, workers want everything and the government can't afford to keep paying for it. Private companies can't either that's why they do sack parts of their workforce but most times private companies sacking staff comes under greedy CEO's when in fact it's both, greedy CEO's and greedy staff.

People go on and on about how cheap **** is in America but what they fail to admit is that wages in this country are 7 times higher than they are in America. It's no wonder that bottle of Jack Daniels in the US is $15 and it's $40 bucks here we get our money too ****ing easy.
Telstra, they're pretty fecked now! Numerous power generators, water supply, public transport around the country! These were all plus 1 entities -- i.e. they only had to make back their costs (including saving for upgrades) plus a dollar. That way pricing could be kept affordable. But some smart arse thought it'd be nice if we bought them twice and privatised them. Net result, higher prices, ****** service and run-down infrastructure. And the money from their sale? We never saw a cent being spent where it should -- most went on middle class welfare bribes.
The problem was that the governments were making back their costs, it was costing them too much in wages and maintenance because like everything costs rose and they either had to wear the rise and continually loose money or offer it to someone who thought they could make money. it may not have been the best situation but it was never going to continue to work the way it started.
Bring in some private enterprise minds, get rid of the union greed and cut middle management.

Just focus on greed, regardless of whom ever is being greedy

Once apon a time government could manage these things.

Why cant they now ?

There is a decernable lack of talent across all political parties. Too many enter politics (as MPs or staffers) who see it as a step towards a cushy private sector job rather than the public service it should be. Then there are the public servants that remain with the public service because they can't get a good private sector job -- the dead wood remain whilst the talent leaves. We simply attracted the wrong type of people.
I will say this. Since the union's have lost some power, things have improved productivity wise within Telstra.

The field guys put in long long hours. Telecommunications has 1 of the highest divorce rate, not hard to see why either.

Money that use to go into maintenance is now going to shareholders who keep demanding more and more.

Contracting isn't so bad, but the lowest bidder isn't the right way to do things.

Take Dslam installs, these are not tested anywhere near the way they should be when they're installed.

These days when Dslam's are installed, its not uncommon that 30 ports are faulty when they're installed as too many short cuts are taken.

Nakedape, get rid of all welfare. Except for the old age pension, tax breaks to save more for super is the way too go.

No one should get a free ride in life, get off your arse and support yourself.

Disability pensions are a good start to clean up.
Just focus on greed, regardless of whom ever is being greedy

There is a decernable lack of talent across all political parties. Too many enter politics (as MPs or staffers) who see it as a step towards a cushy private sector job rather than the public service it should be. Then there are the public servants that remain with the public service because they can't get a good private sector job -- the dead wood remain whilst the talent leaves. We simply attracted the wrong type of people.

Make people accountable. Wayne Swan would of been thrown out along time ago if he worked for private enterprise.

Either you perform or your pension gets cut. Politicians are servents of the public, not the other way around. Well thats the way it was when the constitution was written.
Lets not beat around the bush, they all would have been out on their arse, none of the current batch either in power or opposition have done the job worthy of their title.