Tempting. But the HID Narva's go alright. Need new covers for them though.
Hey Charlie, got the bracket mate. Its in the tray.
Radiator is getting repleced tomorrow, will keep the old one as a spare and get it repaired.
I will say this, 99.9% of the issues with my Nav have been from aftermarket add on's and moronic mechanics who are too lazy to do there job properly.
Gaz got me a new top tank on the radiator as I accidently put my knee on it.
Top tank got replaced by a local radiator joint, now I think about it. There has always been some coolent on the edge of it, not much as it barely used coolent.
Usually only check it every 2-3 weeks.
Was talking to Nizzbits earlier, he said the closest radiator is in Liverpool dealership.
Going a Genuine radiator again, why you ask. Because car manufactures spend hundreds of millions of dollars on vehicles and testing.
These aftermarket companies can claim what they want, they would easily spend less then 1% of that.
Gaz said a new radiator is $600, Ill make more then that tomorrow at work. So thats lucky.
Anyone seen my old D22 getting around ?