d40 dpf light on limp?

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Jul 11, 2022
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hynam sa
hi guys got a d40 with no cat and dpf delete was smoking white lots so put dpf back on and after limited driving the dpf light came on and now i think its in limp mode . we put the dpf delete pipe back on and nothing changed. i think the oxygen sensor on dpf suspect as runs exact the same with it or not. i think the resistance of the heater wires is meant to be between 10 and 20 ohms mine is 2 i tried another that is 9 ohms and no change will be buying auggies sensors but how to properly test the 4 wire oxygen sensors and will it get it out of limp mode . the only code it threw was 2002 which is dpf
What the ECU needs to do at this point is see a successful regen, or a "nominal" return from the sensors. I don't know what that nominal return is or how to fake it, so I bought some DPF sensors for my car from auggie and it worked an absolute treat. That was a few years ago now, and I've never once seen the DPF light (or any white smoke clouds) since.

Check the first post in this thread for info:

i have had a gut full of this d40 piece of **** wont rev over 2500 in limp has no dpf but light is on has new oxy sensor and changed the scv no change new fuel filter no change getting some auggies sensors but havent much hope of a fix need to burn it to the ground only code it shows is 2002 needs to do a burn but has no dpf man im pissed off
What the ECU needs to do at this point is see a successful regen, or a "nominal" return from the sensors. I don't know what that nominal return is or how to fake it, so I bought some DPF sensors for my car from auggie and it worked an absolute treat. That was a few years ago now, and I've never once seen the DPF light (or any white smoke clouds) since.

Check the first post in this thread for info:

was yours in limp mode ? before you got sensors ?sensors ?
I left an ODB2 transmitter plugged into mine, and the parasitic draw it did over a few days, fully wigged the system out. Lots of white smoke for the first time in it's life, wouldn't rev past 2500 etc. A simple removal of the OBD2, and she went fine again. Thing was, the dash lost correct time on clock, trip meter etc, but the audio head unit kept correct time. Point is, is there anything weird, electrically, going on with your dash? I also had a weird limp mode issue for a couple of years, kept saying it was the MAF, (but it wasn't), and the eventual fix was a thorough cleaning of all my earth points. Especially the one behind the window washer filler neck on side panel, of the engine bay. Just a stab in the dark here... good luck with it.
mat august you ledgend the sensors fixed the d40 with just a short drive loke old tony said like magic awsum all sorted would recomend auggie to anyone cheers
mat august you ledgend the sensors fixed the d40 with just a short drive loke old tony said like magic awsum all sorted would recomend auggie to anyone cheers
Glad to here your back up and about mate. Enjoy and thank you.