Liz repair pathfinder
Hi Paul looking for a quote to repair a 2006 nissan pathfinder r51 timing chain
How long does it take to do ?
And how much for parts?
How much for labour?
Thanks Liz
Paul here form yd25.
We are located next to the Brisbane airport. I have been working on Nissan Navara D22 D40 and Pathfinder R51 YD25 engines for some time.
Having worked on these engines I have seen timing chain failures in D22 D40 Navara and The R51 Pathfinder YD25. Upon investigation, in most cases the slack guide plastic facings had various stages of wear through to the aluminum slack guide frame. In other cases the crank and vac pump sprockets have lost teeth. I asked my self the question "Why would a single row chain be driving the fuel pump from the crank and the cams have a double row chain driving then form the fuel pump". It was apparent to me that the fuel pump needed a double row chain 2 times stronger than the cam chain.
We investigated to see what the manufacturer was doing about this issue. I was advised that the same chain and guides were being replaced. I was astounded that this was the response. With this being the case the chains and guides would need to be changed every 100K kms. The quote form the manufacturer for the job was $3300. This did not seem like a good outcome for the owners of these vehicles.
We had found the YD25 to be a good powerful fuel efficient engine form my personal experience. Our oldest D40 has over 200K kms. It needed a head gasket. After removing the head, inspection of the cylinder bores, the original hone marks were still visible from the top to the bottom of each cylinder. No wear in the bores. Good metal in the block not wearing.
We have developed a double row timing chain conversion kit for the YD25DDTI common rail engine used in the D22 D40 Navara R51 Pathfinder. We have a component registered design. We will supply kits to the motor trade and DIY both local and international. Check out our links for installers.
We are continuing to conduct research and development and make improvements to the components. We have found original components which have inherent design faults form new. At the moment we are developing new tensionors. We have developed other components in this kit. We instruct our patents attorney to apply for international intellectual property wrights in many country's around the world covering our improved component designs.
It has come to our attention that some people are purchasing aftermarket timing chain kits form ebay and other supplier in Australia. Let me make it clear we have a DUPLEX TIMING CHAIN CONVERSION KIT. These people are finding that the timing chain kits are just replacement kit for an engine that already is set up with duplex double row chain not a CONVERSION FORM SIMPLEX CHAIN TO DUPLEX CHAIN as our kits are. We only sell our designed parts with our conversion kit and supply FREE OF CHARGE to customers with our parts installed. We are constantly having people call us for our designed parts, so as previously stated we will only supply our own designed parts in our kits. It has also come to our attention that there are some duplex conversion kits on the market. The price of these kits from overseas is a bit less than our price. These kits are a direct copy of old yd engine parts with the inherent faults copied. We have designed several new components which save hours on the installation time of our kit compared to the time required to installing the old copied parts. Time is money so with our support to the installer whilst installing the kit it will save you many $ on the installation cost. Be fully aware of what you are buying before paying.
Fitting an after market plug in performance module can cause higher fuel rail pressures than standard, which puts more strain on the single row timing chain driving the fuel pump. We advise customers to fit our double row timing chain conversion kit before fitting a plug in performance module.
A primary timing chain failure in the Nissan Navara D22 D40 Pathfinder R51 yd25 engine will cause extensive internal engine damage.
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