Cruise control

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Dec 28, 2019
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The rubber pad that activates the cruise control switch on the clutch pedal has disintegrated. The material that the thing is made of rejects any sort on glue that I have attempted to use. Nissan says it is not a part that can be bought separately and it is necessary to buy entire clutch pedal assembly. Anyone have any ideas? It's a 2011 Spain-built vehicle, Steve.
There are a number of things I'd consider trying:

1) Shoe-Glue (Selleys, in Bunnings etc). This stuff sticks like **** to a blanket.

2) UV Resin. Pop the clutch pedal out, mould up with some air-drying clay, pour in the resin (inside, out of the sun) then take it outside and let the sun cure it (about 15 minutes should be more than enough). Give it a flat surface for the rubber bumper then glue one on.

3) Silicone. It's amazing what something like Sikaflex952 will stick to. If you thought Shoe Glue was good, wait until you try this stuff.
There are a number of things I'd consider trying:

1) Shoe-Glue (Selleys, in Bunnings etc). This stuff sticks like **** to a blanket.

2) UV Resin. Pop the clutch pedal out, mould up with some air-drying clay, pour in the resin (inside, out of the sun) then take it outside and let the sun cure it (about 15 minutes should be more than enough). Give it a flat surface for the rubber bumper then glue one on.

3) Silicone. It's amazing what something like Sikaflex952 will stick to. If you thought Shoe Glue was good, wait until you try this stuff.
Thanks for that. I'll give 'em a try. Steve
The rubber pad that activates the cruise control switch on the clutch pedal has disintegrated. The material that the thing is made of rejects any sort on glue that I have attempted to use. Nissan says it is not a part that can be bought separately and it is necessary to buy entire clutch pedal assembly. Anyone have any ideas? It's a 2011 Spain-built vehicle, Steve.

I digress :offtopic3: but why is the delisting of minor parts acceptable? They're all doing it. They force motorists to discard good components that only require a small part to fix them. Perfectly good components wind up in the scrap yard or landfill. In the next breath these corporations virtue signal as to how green they are. Hypocrisy writ large!

You'll discover if the rubber injector seals start leaking you'll have to buy a new camshaft cover for about $220 because Nissan no longer sell the seals. There are many other examples and I could go on.

You'll just have to dream up a way to fabricate a suitable pad. There's no way I'd be purchasing a new clutch pedal assembly for the sake of a 5 cent part.