Hey all, I just put an EFS lift kit in the nav and I'm concerned that the front isn't sitting as high as it should. The rear is awesomely high, I'm happy with it but the front seems to be only 5mm higher than stock measurements. The reason I say "seems" is that I forgot to take the before measurement but researched on here that it's around 510 from centre of wheel. Mine sits at 515. I have bullbar, winch and 3pce bashplates fitted and it seems that the supplier gave me the right springs being the 70 - 110kg constant load front springs as I looked up EFS part numbers. I went past the shop after the wheel alignment and showed them but they said I should wait a little bit and see how they settle in and then maybe put in some spacers to raise it a bit. I think the spacers aren't the fix, there must be something else thats the issue.
What are your thoughts as its giving me headaches thinking about it all?
What are your thoughts as its giving me headaches thinking about it all?