Code P0089 & strange stuff.

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Dec 4, 2011
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I'm having an issue that after idling for more than a few moments, the Ute seems to be in limp mode when I try to drive off.

If I pull over & stop, then re start the engine, everything is back to normal, until next time it's idling for a short while again.

It starts fine, no issues. But it starts to hunt once it's idled for more than 10-20 seconds, then goes into limp mode when I try to drive it. No check engine light.

I've plugged my OBD2 reader in & get code P0089 - I'm guessing this is an SCV issue?
Hi Kevin, that's very VERY typical of an SCV in need of attention.

How much attention is hard to say. When my car was just doing the hunting thing (like tiny regular surges in RPM) a bottle of injector cleaner fixed it within 100km or so.

I've had it worse as well, and replaced the SCV.

As always, try the least expensive stuff first.
Thanks Tony (y) I'll give the injector cleaner a go.

Feeling kind of deflated, as this Ute has been the most reliable car I've owned until now.
I put some injector cleaner in as suggested by Tony & drove it around; that definitely helped (Thanks Tony!).

It stopped hunting at idle, but was still going into limp mode sometimes if I idled it for a while & tried to drive off. Less than before, but was still doing it.

I read somewhere that an ECU reset can sometimes help, so I did the pedal dance & a combination of that & the injector cleaner seems to have fixed the issue.

I had to tow a trailer through city traffic yesterday & was a tad anxious that it would go into limp mode at traffic lights, but it behaved perfectly.