Canopy - tailgate padding ?

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Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Not sure how to word this, but I have noticed my new Flexiglass canopy installation has a thin strip of clear tape on tailgate. This I assume is to stop the rear hinged window from doing damage to the tailgate. I have a tub liner installed, but it is an underlip, so it does not cover top of tailgate.
Anyway, if any of this makes sense to anyone, my question is, is this clear tape going to last long ? The constant opening closing and general wear and tear is going to scrape paint off. What are you guys using ? Flexiglass canopy does have soft padding on glass door. Should I look for anther layer tape ? some sort of adhesive rubber strip ?
the tape holds up pretty well mate, mine has gone through 2 years of abuse so far and im only considering replacing it now. but the door is going to wear into the corners of the plastic 'hump' above the tailgate handle, if you figure out a way to stop it let us know
I'm with Bob. Mine has been on for two years and is starting to show wear but I'm not sure what to replace it with. And, yes, the door corners have worn through the paint.
Picked up a plastic rail protector on ebay which is tough enough to support timber & gives total protection to top of tailgate. Had to buy full bed rail & only used tailgate section but it works a treat & actually provides a tighter fit for tailgate, brilliant.
Sorry mate it was too long ago & ebay aren't showing details anymore. However I know it was from a ute place in qld somewhere & I may still have the packing at home with the receipt. Will get back to you tomorrow.
Couldn't locate invoice sorry. However believe it was a seller called utemart73 or something like that. They haven't got one listed but I have seen them listed regularly so might be worth approaching directly. Solves this problem bigtime.