Broken diff- no warranty

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I wish KAAZ made LSD's to suit Navaras. Closest thing to unbreakable. The proper way to run those in is to do figure 8's and doughnuts etc. If you can do that in a Nav, good luck lol.

Kaaz do make some great gear, had a tough VY SS ute, done a few diffs at the drags, put in a Kaaz and never another problem with the diff. Started to break CV's. Went a 4500rpm converter and was much better. Gotta love the cheap and easy power those LS1's make.
I am coping **** left, right and centre as my family, my father and mother in law, both sets of sister and brother in laws and there parents are all dead set toyota through and through.

:confused2:FREAKS........get rid of them at once
moral of the story at the end of the day is- you play, you pay. Not gonna let it spoil my fun, Nav is alive again and I am heading back out camping in the morning. Nothing like a camp fire and a few JD's to relax a stressfull last few days.

Thats the way mate, dont let the bastards ruin everything.
Enjoy the rest of you camp trip and the Jack's :cheers!:
yeah been contact with Nissan head office. They have declined the claim and also made a note of the failure for future reference for an driveline related claim. I put forward my case until I was blue in the face. They claim it was shock loading the diff by wheel spin, something which is not covered by warranty.

Nissan need to STOP selling 4WD equiped vehicles right away then...

for one, they are NOT "fit for purpose"

go to consumer affairs, this is total ********...

the "toughest tradie ute" can pull start a tank...but the front diff ***** its pants at the mere hint of 4WD selection:rofl2: are a total F..cking embarassment:wristy::wristy:
I am almost due for a service so I can't see the point in sticking with Nissan anymore. Does anyone know a reliable service outlet/ mechanic southside of Brisbane.

I need to take it back to my dealer to have the damage they caused fixed, can't wait for them to mention its nearly due for a service and would I like to book it in.
I don't think I mentioned it here, but I was due for a holiday and I was starting to have clutch issues. After months of phone calls and a few test drives the dealer, Keema MT Gravatt agreed there was an issue. I had to convince them it was better for the customer and Nissan in the long run to rectify now and not leave until a complete failure. Now by doing this they saved on not having to supple a new fly wheel with the clutch. While it was in having the clutch done I also had them replace my faulty fuel sender.

My D40 which is plated late 2011 Thai ST has a factory single mass flywheel, not the problematic dual mass flywheel.

I was already chewing up my holiday time with the Nav sitting in the dealership, 5 days to replace the clutch and fuel sender. I was due to pick it up the Friday before xmas. Got a text message late arvo saying its ready pick it up.

Arriving at the dealership, I immediately noticed 2 dents in my bonnet, I had my spare keys so I transferred my tools to my ute. When I went to transfer my personel effect to the inside of my Nav, upon opening the door there was this smell that just about knocked me over. Looked across to the drivers side and there it was, gearbox oil on the drivers seat, all over the drivers floormat and drops all over the plastic door sill mould.

Fark I was irate, tore the service manager a new ******* but it didn't finish there. After a solution was sorted and the fact I refused to pay for the loan car on the basis of the condition I received my car back in, I left and headed to the servo. Went to fill up and thought where is my filler, looked further between the tray and cab and there it was hanging down banging between the cab and tray.

I called the dealership and they offered to fix it but I expressed my lack of confidence in the dealerships ability to be able to undergo that task without farking something else up.
Jason D40 Have you enquired how much would cost to take it further (court case)?
I believe they are just trying to scare you off, they can't sell a 4wd not cover by warranty if 4wd! Do you have anything in writing?
Every commercial and tv ad it shows the car in 4wd environment but the car is not supposed to 4wd? False advertising then!

I asked them to provide it in writing that it will not be covered under warranty and the reasons why it wont be covered. The person handling the claim refused to provide me the information in writing and told me his verbal refusal is all that he was required to supply me with.
I'd be diarising everthing, time, dates, names, photos. Then take action, looks like you are anyway. Good. The conusmer laws are in you favour.

However as much as I can understand your grief and fustraition. I'd be playing my cards closer to my chest. It's understandable you want to have a spray it's only normal and there will be a time for that. After you get this mess sorted out.

Good luck with it all, hopfully it will be a good outcome.
Jason-D40, after reading your initial post, I thought "bloody hell, that's awful" so I did something I don't usually have time to do and that is, I went a googled "hilux fuel injector" as I had heard that that is a problem with Hilux's.

Actually it's not a problem with the Hilux, it's a problem with the motor, so it's a problem for Hilux and Prado owners and there's a gazillion of them.

Anyway, they were all carrying on about their ****** motors, just like folks here carry on about the ****** clutches, diffs etc. All I'm trying to point out is that all makes and models have their own faults. You may ditch the D40 in favour of a BT50 for example, but you may also find the BT50 has its own batch of problems, I know the new Rangers have some sort of electrical problem.

My current thoughts are, knowing about the clutch, diff, timing chain and other problems are, if it breaks I'll fix it with better parts. Diff goes, I'll get a 2nd hand one and fit an air locker. Clutch, I'll get a single mass flywheel. Timing chain, I may go to a dual chain setup.

I don't think you can get vehicles like my old 1984 Hilux anymore that just don't break.

Everything new breaks, because they don't use metal as much anymore. You don't replace globes, you replace the assembly. You don't replace the diff, you replace the whole diff/axle assembly. It's quicker and cheaper to repair and assemble it all that way.

I've been into 4WD's since the early 80's and each decade they get softer (so to do the drivers, who, some of which, also get crazier).

I really believe, if you want a 4x4 that is going to stand up to punishment, you have to add lots of aftermarket gear to it, because they are just not being built as strong anymore.

Think about this. If you get a 2nd hand front diff, fit it with a locker, you shouldn't encounter that problem again. You've got the factory single mass flywheel, so you wont have that problem. The timing chain problem may never arise. If it does tackle that issue then. But if you jump from vehicle to vehicle you'll never debug any of your vehicles.

And another thing. It's definately time to find a reputable diesel mechanic and ditch Nissan service.

Good luck mate, I feel for you.

PS. - I think WoodyD40 picked up a 2nd had diff from Nis4x4Autospares ( for either $700 or $1400 bucks. My plan would be get one, fit an air locker and then bang the diff back in yourself.

PPS. Niss4x4 are Muster sponsors and nice blokes, so it's a good place to spend money.

After re-reading that, people will say things like "well they shouldn't build stuff that isn't fit for purpose" who has defined the purpose it is meant to be fit for?? Another thing, "well stuff like that shouldn't break" maybe it shouldn't, but it does, so you have to live with it.

I'm no lawyer, but I think I can say confidentently that if you go to court over this, you will find it would have been cheaper to just pay to get the diff fixed yourself.

Again, good luck.
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After re-reading that, people will say things like "well they shouldn't build stuff that isn't fit for purpose" who has defined the purpose it is meant to be fit for??

Nissan......they advertise it as the "toughest tradie" available....they put a 4WD driveline in the vehicle, and sell it as a '4WD'.
Nissan......they advertise it as the "toughest tradie" available....they put a 4WD driveline in the vehicle, and sell it as a '4WD'.

Yep, you're right, but what's a tradie? I didn't buy a tradie, I bought a ute. Do any other manufacturers advertise their utes as tradies? (they may well do, I don't watch or read adverts).

If no one else advertises their ute as a tradie, then it can only be the toughest tradie, even if it is the weakest thing on 4 wheels.

The 4WD facility may have only been designed to help you get through a muddy building site or wet paddock and not up and down hills, that may be the 'purpose' it was designed to be fit for, but we don't get told any of that.

I'm certainly not sticking up for Nissan or the very poor service Jason-D40 seems to have suffered, but we all need to realistic. Nissan are a massive corporation. Australia is a small market at the bottom of the world, they (Nissan) couldn't give a rat's ass if your car breaks. The dealer is more likely to care, because his business is in your neighbourhood and what you do CAN affect his business. But if you have the dealer offside, I reckon you're pretty much buggered (unless you have the time and money to spend on taking things further).

Which takes me back to my earlier post. If you like the vehicle, fix it yourself, make it stronger and forget about the warranty.

I bought my ute as a platform to improve upon. Fix or replace the stuff that isn't up to it and hopefully, eventually end up with a tough reliable economical vehicle that will last me some time.

But I know none of that will help Jason-D40, so again mate, good luck.
Jason-D40, after reading your initial post, I thought "bloody hell, that's awful" so I did something I don't usually have time to do and that is, I went a googled "hilux fuel injector" as I had heard that that is a problem with Hilux's.

Actually it's not a problem with the Hilux, it's a problem with the motor, so it's a problem for Hilux and Prado owners and there's a gazillion of them.

It was a problem with 07-08 injectors, has been fixed now for a while, new type of injector, diamond tipped or something... They still have the DMF though which I question the longevity, was at a dealer looking at a single cab and he was adamant that he himself had never seen a single one go pop in the 4 years he had worked there... I think smell a rat though because new has a poll going and it seems nearly everyone has had to replace their hilux clutches at least once.
Jason-D40, after reading your initial post, I thought "bloody hell, that's awful" so I did something I don't usually have time to do and that is, I went a googled "hilux fuel injector" as I had heard that that is a problem with Hilux's.

Actually it's not a problem with the Hilux, it's a problem with the motor, so it's a problem for Hilux and Prado owners and there's a gazillion of them.

Anyway, they were all carrying on about their ****** motors, just like folks here carry on about the ****** clutches, diffs etc. All I'm trying to point out is that all makes and models have their own faults. You may ditch the D40 in favour of a BT50 for example, but you may also find the BT50 has its own batch of problems, I know the new Rangers have some sort of electrical problem.

My current thoughts are, knowing about the clutch, diff, timing chain and other problems are, if it breaks I'll fix it with better parts. Diff goes, I'll get a 2nd hand one and fit an air locker. Clutch, I'll get a single mass flywheel. Timing chain, I may go to a dual chain setup.

I don't think you can get vehicles like my old 1984 Hilux anymore that just don't break.

Everything new breaks, because they don't use metal as much anymore. You don't replace globes, you replace the assembly. You don't replace the diff, you replace the whole diff/axle assembly. It's quicker and cheaper to repair and assemble it all that way.

I've been into 4WD's since the early 80's and each decade they get softer (so to do the drivers, who, some of which, also get crazier).

I really believe, if you want a 4x4 that is going to stand up to punishment, you have to add lots of aftermarket gear to it, because they are just not being built as strong anymore.

Think about this. If you get a 2nd hand front diff, fit it with a locker, you shouldn't encounter that problem again. You've got the factory single mass flywheel, so you wont have that problem. The timing chain problem may never arise. If it does tackle that issue then. But if you jump from vehicle to vehicle you'll never debug any of your vehicles.

And another thing. It's definately time to find a reputable diesel mechanic and ditch Nissan service.

Good luck mate, I feel for you.

PS. - I think WoodyD40 picked up a 2nd had diff from Nis4x4Autospares ( for either $700 or $1400 bucks. My plan would be get one, fit an air locker and then bang the diff back in yourself.

PPS. Niss4x4 are Muster sponsors and nice blokes, so it's a good place to spend money.

After re-reading that, people will say things like "well they shouldn't build stuff that isn't fit for purpose" who has defined the purpose it is meant to be fit for?? Another thing, "well stuff like that shouldn't break" maybe it shouldn't, but it does, so you have to live with it.

I'm no lawyer, but I think I can say confidentently that if you go to court over this, you will find it would have been cheaper to just pay to get the diff fixed yourself.

Again, good luck.

I hear what your saying mate, I have purchased a s/h diff to get the car going. I was willing to cope it on the chin, I have spend a fortune on aftermarket accesories for this ute to make it more reliable etc.

I am going to push this matter further mate simple because of Nissan's stiff **** don't care attitude. I would rather put a locker into a new centre than a s/h unit.

I thought about playing my cards closer to my chest mate but at the end of the day I have nothing to hide. Sharing concerns and advice on the net doesn't phase me. I have been honest in my posts and have not threatened no one or no business.
well then...your in no position to comment on what nissan do or dont claim

Mate I can do anything I damn well please as long it remains legal.

Plus I'm going on your word Krankin. I've come to respect and admire you and your opinions during my time here.
I wonder if Nissan would knock back the same claim on a d22
It clearly states on tub decal 4x4 off road ? ?
Thank god they don't break as often as the 40's
But it had to be said
I wonder if Nissan would knock back the same claim on a d22
It clearly states on tub decal 4x4 off road ? ?
Thank god they don't break as often as the 40's
But it had to be said

yse they have, even tho what you mention...thats what is SO FARKIN annoying about Nissan....for the D40's as well
Mate I can do anything I damn well please as long it remains legal.

Plus I'm going on your word Krankin. I've come to respect and admire you and your opinions during my time here.

yes.. you can say what you like....tho, like you dont watch or listen to nissans how can you comment about what they do or dont claim...thats all,
do you understand that..thats the only thing I picked out of your post..not the whole lot.
Not having a crack...just trying to be factual.


Nissan advertise the whole Navara D40 range as "Australia's most powerfull tradie"...not just one particular model...


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