Front/rear diff lock - 2006 (Spain) D40 diesel manual

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Jan 30, 2023
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Hi all… I have tried searching for answers to my questions below so would certainly appreciate your input please if possible…

am wanting to invest in front and rear diff lock for my navara and thought the deal from lokka re elocker at rear and lokka at front seemed ok. But it has lead to further research which poses the following questions for me:

- how do I know if my navara has an r180 diff or a 3.54 and down rear diff?
- how noisy is the front lokka in real world off road experience when turning? (on road I expect it to be silent as the car will be in 2wd)
- doesn’t the lokka unlock when turning off-road thereby negating the advantage of having a lokka when you might need it?
- has anyone broken their e locker in their nav’s (have seen/read threads on this that make me nervous about them)?
- had anyone had e locker engagement issues due to apparent lack of 12v supply? If so how did you fix this issue?
- as an alternative to an e locker has anyone any experience with tjm’s pro locker? Tjm has me confused on this one suggesting on their website they do have one for a navara yet my local Tjm store suggesting tjm have never done a pro locker for a d40

thank you all in advance
i'm not up on D40 details.
but front auto lockers (lokka) require lockable front hubs, either manual or electric (factory). i can't recall what the d40 has. otherwise it spins the whole diff even if in 2wd.

auto lockers are actually auto unlockers. they are locked all the time. they are actually cam'ed so they lock when under power. the only time they unlock is when your coasting and there is enough speed difference between the tires and the tires have enough grip. in muddy conditions often the tire will loose grip before it unlocks. any power on the throttle forces it to lock.
what usually screws them up in using them in the dry, tight turn, lots of throttle forcing it to lock with a bit of a bang. especially with big tires.
some brands even have a maximum tire size to use with it. if you force it to lock while the wheels are doing different speeds, either the tire looses grip or the lokka gets a hammering which often ends up with broken lokka pins.