Bridgestone dueler d697 slippery and noisy?

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Apr 14, 2013
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Hey guys have a set of these on my d40 and I cant believe how noisy they are after a couple of thousand k's my mates tell me that they are noisier than mud tires they have had on their rigs once i get over 50 km/ph all i can hear is tyre drone and to top it off they are very slippery, went out to bigga last weekend and as soon as I hit gravel the rear end started sliding out even when i put it in 4x4 High they still slid just not as bad.. anyone else running these and having similar issues?
The 697 is what I run I have done 40k drive it normal and it's ok. It HATES mud but loves sand, let it down and the sidewalls bag well. But it does collect small stones and shoot them at your guards.I think they are ok in the wet as a road tyre but I am about to keep them for the road and have a 2nd set ot muddies for play.
D40 nav is a quiet ute, I have cooper st maxx on my nav d22 and I find them quiet, yet we have the same st maxx tyres on the d40 at work and they seem noisy as a freight train
Funny I think they are the quietest tyre I've had on the Nav. No probs at all in the wet. But they do shoot gravel. Especially Perth Hills Pea gravel.
I've got 30k on mine, and when new, were super quiet. not so now, getting progressively louder. as far as grip goes, i find them satisfactory, obviously in the wet they're not the best, but generally feel safe with them
I find the D697s pretty quiet, no whining or anything at speed on the road. The grip is good for what I do, but they are bad at collecting rocks between the tread blocks.
I rate them on dry pavement but they start to get a bit loose with a bit of moisture. I am going with another brand next time around.
Its all about tyre pressure. I run cooper st maxx 33s and spent ages stuffing around to find the perfect pressure. Turned out to be 33psi. 32 is noisey and 34 jumps around on corrugations. It really is that fine a balance. I guess it also depends on springs and shocks as well.
The tyre shop that fitted them squeezed in 46psi and it was undrivable!
I run the 697 and while they were fine for the first 20-30k kms I have now decided to ditch them and will be running the Dick Cepek Fun Country in a 32". The bridgey has gotten very noisey( maybe lack of rotation) and are unpredictable in the wet. Some times they grip like glue others you are oversteering to keep things in check.
I run the 697 and while they were fine for the first 20-30k kms I have now decided to ditch them and will be running the Dick Cepek Fun Country in a 32". The bridgey has gotten very noisey( maybe lack of rotation) and are unpredictable in the wet. Some times they grip like glue others you are oversteering to keep things in check.

exactly the same symptoms on mine. got 40k on the now, and have sounded like a truck for the last 10 to 20k as well as scary in the wet. they were very good in the beginning!
I got 2 quotes today for the bridgestone D697's in 265/70r16
$285 and $269
both included fit, balance and new valves.
Both quotes are from well known Perth tyre mobs.
Seems over priced to me. Or is that about normal.
I think I can get tyres from the East cheaper even after fitting and balance.
What's ya thorts ?
Quite a few tyre mobs here with cheap tyres. I'm in perth, south of river. Seems a bit rich to me too. But, that seems around the going price for them. I'm pretty sure you can get bfg at's that size around that price too, depending on where you shop...
Oldie. You may find that if you go a 265/75 not a 70 the tyre may end up cheaper as it's a more common size. I did this when looking for new tyres and it was surprising how different the pricing was.

Mate you can always get tyre shops to drop there prices. Ring around ask for the best price they can do. Or just lie and say you got a quote that was cheaper then there's and they will beat the price or match it.
i think i got mine for about 280/290 2 years ago with a $100 fuel voucher from bob jane t marts that was cheaper than from bridgestone themselves across the road!
I experienced all the problems spoken here the thing that ***** me most is the little stones that collect in the tread block and dislodge like a bullet into the paintwork. But for $229 fitted I will get 70k from them so the value is there, but I am going to piss them off due to the safety issue before that. Looking at bfg 275/70 on the standard rims.
I have around 10k on mine in 275/65/17, quiet as still. I did run 265/70/17 Cooper ST Maxx and they were noisy as, constant MT drone inside the cab. Mate runs 33's in the Coopers on his new Ranger, quiet as! The Ranger does have a lot better cabin insulation though, the D40's seem to have very little :-(
Mate I had the same problem, slippery and nosiey as f#?k. Have to edit this as I just realised that I was running the 694' can't comment on the 697's. Not sure how different the two are.

Cheers Justo
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