ARB snorkel or Nissan Genuine?

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Sounds good. As i just told Aido,i'm up for suggesstions and have a fair bit of time on my hands.
Genuine Nissan snorkel is manufactured by TJM just a diiferent shape due to Nissan request ARB is manufacture by Safari all of them are made the same way just different shapes thats all it all comes down to the look you want however the benifit with TJM (Airtec and Genuine Nissan is that the air ram is laid flatter and slightly accross the windscreen so the benifit is direct air of the windscreen slight benifit but nothing you will notice. This design also tucks the snorkel in closer to the car for bush work. The Safari sticks out like a mole on a check and can get hooked up on trees and branches.

Genuine for me I just like the shape.