Another D40 timing chain

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One comment that was said to me a few times was, 'if this duplex timing chain was soo effective, then why didn't nissan add another and then they could justify putting 3-4 grand on the sale price?'
Truth is mate, is ripping people off on a massive scale. STAY RIGHT AWAY

so I guess Nissan should also fit there cars with all the usual mods we have and bump the price up, easy fix right?

unfortunately cars are built to a price.
I do agree with you on the whole "timing chain" issue , there hasn't been a massive amount of cars with failures, and most people over react
treat your car like **** and you get trouble, maintain it properly with good oils, have a bit of mechanical sympathy and you should be ok (as you stated)
It has however been proven fairly conclusively the tensioning guides are the MAIN issue regarding t/chain failure and that can be attributed to poor oil pressure to the guide pin tensioner on startup causing premature wear and "chain slap" and poor maintenance causing blocked oil galleys

Personally if my chain needed replacing I would fit a yd25 kit over the std kit

there are plenty of happy yd25 customers out there, and plenty of yd25's with no chain issues

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As for duplex timing chain.. I have no solid proof, but a reliable D40 owner who happens to work on exhausts has said the same thing about duplex timing chains causing problems.
One comment that was said to me a few times was, 'if this duplex timing chain was soo effective, then why didn't nissan add another and then they could justify putting 3-4 grand on the sale price?'

Well there you go.
Everyone should stop and listen he has a mate that works on exhausts therefore should know everything there is worth knowing about timing chains....
His interest goes further than exhausts mate.. Much further with experience (maybe it's because he owns a D40 and swears by it) he knew the facts while most people on forums were still guessing lol

Hang your head in embarrassment boy lol
Really? dumbest things huh? coming from a person who recommends to get info from the internet where 90% of stuff is BS.. you're a special kind of stupid aren't you lol

Coming from people IN THE KNOW (and not arm chair warriors NATHAND22) these problems of chain failures are still fairly uncommon. Let's say there is 100,000 of these engines on the road in Australia, 200 failures would sound like a big number, but put in context that would be about a 0.02% failure rate

If you read my other posts through out this forum i have said exactly the same thing as what you are saying.
I dont believe all the hype that people say 100% of yd25 engines will fail and i have had lengthy debates with members who have tried to suggest such a thing.

As for the arm chair warrior comment you have absolutely have no idea of my background in the automotive industry so your comments in that respect are void, my point is that if you have a read of all the people that have had actual failures and that have had "THE PEOPLE IN THE KNOW" fix that issue then you would see not only pictures of what failed but their reports from said people about what actually failed.

Further more if you read my post in reply to yours and didnt just get on your high horse you would of read that this so called ARM CHAIR WARRIOR has had first hand experience with a timing chain being replaced by Nissan, after Nissan HQ wrongly diagnosed the problem my 2010 ST was having at which time a had lengthy discussions with allot of "PEOPLE IN THE KNOW" and all of those people agreed with my original comments.

The thing that i do find hilarious about your "ARM CHAIR WARRIOR" statement is that you your self said that is exactly how you have gathered all you so called "FACTS" after all look at your phone bill, lol so instead of getting a well rounded view from all aspects and resources available to you so you can build even a general consensus, your ring a few NISSAN dealers and a so called Mechanic or two and come up with all these "FACTS" what is a well known FACT is that any manufacturer will blame everyone and everything else other then their own product for as long as possible to minimise warranty claim and avoid recalls, how many times have we heard of a common problems only to go to the dealer and hear "ITS THE FIRSTY TIME THATS EVER HAPPENED" or "WE HAVE NEVER EVEN HEARD OF IT BEFORE" that is why so many people end up in court fighting against the manufacturer they deny deny deny right to the very end.
So apart of your super thorough research is also a little lacking and was in know doubt a waste of your hard earned in having to pay the "phone bill" you winged about

You even go on to say that you have no proof, what i have spoken about i can verify im not taking a stab in the dark its all from people in the know who have either worked on the cars to fix this issue or from people who have had (like me) a first hand experience from their own vehicles.

When you can produce evidence that all the failures are due to the sprockets and not the tensioners or the chain stretching i will be on your side.

When you can show me that Paul from is a jerk and is ripping people off and his product is crap i will also like you steer others away

When you can prove that the double row chain causes more problems like yu suggest then again i will eat my words.

The trouble is you cant do any of those things and thats why you have decided to turn the atack onto me simply because i said that to pull an engine apart and only change a sprocket but not he chain and guides while you have just taken the time and or money is a dumb move.
That's pretty foul talk on a forum browsed by woman and children evlstx I know what happened recently with that sort of behaviour.

Completely agree HJ
Everybody's entitled to in opinion... But using foul language to get your point across is completely uncalled for... This is SUPPOSED TO BE a friendly forum!!

Some people just need to look for anger management classes..


So in an attempt to get this thread back on song ... ahem ... :wtf:

Just did the chain in my 08 king cab (120,000ks) all is quiet again oh and as a side note Nissan changed to duplex chains when they went to the 140kw version of the yd25. I used the duplex kit Nissan thought it was a good kit as they did the job for me plus it worked out cheaper by $200 than the OME chain

Since when did Nissan change? This is news to me and potentially music to my ears as I have a 2012 ST with the 140 kw !! I would love to know how you know :) :confused2:

The general consensus is that Nissan didn't go to a double row timing chain, hence why makes and sells one.
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See you in 2 weeks
as stated MANY TIMES please keep it clean
bringing someones wife into the argument is pathetic
clean it up or next ban will be permanent
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So in an attempt to get this thread back on song ... ahem ... :wtf:

Since when did Nissan change? This is news to me and potentially music to my ears as I have a 2012 ST with the 140 kw !! I would love to know how you know :) :confused2:

The general consensus is that Nissan didn't go to a double row timing chain, hence why makes and sells one.

news to me also
I wonder if they quietly fixed the tensioner issues??
The service manager at the Nissan dealership told me this yesterday when I picked up my car after they fitted the kit. I guess you would need to take it with a grain of salt though. Best way to check is to get your engine number and ring the parts department and ask them to look up a replacement chain it will be in the description if it's single or duplex.
hi, I have a 2012 d40, do I have to worry about timing chain issues I've heard about or have they rectified this problem before this model
As far as I can figger out most cars that are serviced properly don't have the issue, and if the service manager I spoke to was correct then the 140kw version should be fine. In my case I purchased mine second hand and the problem started about 1 mth after the warranty ran out typical. If you are going to have an issue then there are signs that its coming, when you first start the car you will hear a rattle for maybe 5 seconds, this is caused by the chain being stretched and the hydraulic tensioner being worn takes a bit more time to take up the slack. Once the chain stretches beyond the tensioner limit that is when things start to get nasty. So just keep an ear out for the start up rattle and if you hear that its time to get it fixed.
Sevice intervals in the U.K are 18,000 miles yet we still have chain failures despite having our trucks serviced 3 times as often :dontknow:.
Mine does the rattle at start up but I thought it was something to do with the AC as it does the rattle sometimes when the engine isn't running
Mine does the rattle at start up but I thought it was something to do with the AC as it does the rattle sometimes when the engine isn't running

Get yourself a long screwdriver or similar press it against the timing chain housing and the other end to your ear and get somebody to start the car you will soon hear if it's the chain or not. If you suspect the chain at all get it seen to straight away as if it lets go the $2000-$3000 bill will turn into $7000 or $8000 quickly.