Airbag Light Flashing

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Jun 18, 2019
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I went out to start my 2008 D40 about 4 days ago and the air bag light continually flashes just came on over night. I did a bit of research found the turn key on till light flashes then turn off wait 5 secs turn back on. Repeat this 3 times to reset the air bag light. It didn't work at all. Had it booked in to go to Auto Electrician went to go and the light was off. I went to shops came out started it flashing again has been ever since. Went to a friends house the next day got fuel started the car and the oil light started to flash but it went off. It has oil in it full no idea why.
Any ideas or things I can try to sort issue thanks folks for any help sent. I appreciate it..
There may be two problems here. If not, it might just be a glitch caused by a poor electrical connection (clean the battery terminals and ECU ground wire).

Check the oil switch connection. The switch is located in the middle of the engine on the right hand side just forward of the oil coooler (which is just below the oil filter). Disconnect, clean, reconnect.

The airbag light could be one of two things: a broken clock spring (highly likely, happened to me several times) or a failing diagnostic unit (this has happened to me as well). Remove and test the clock spring for continuity across the ribbon cable within and if the cable is good, there's a good chance the diagnostic unit is faulty.

Getting a diagnostic unit from a wreck is acceptable (over $1K from Nissan, I paid $100 at a wrecker). The unit lives on the transmission tunnel under the cup holders.

You could also try a clock spring from a wreck as well, but if you're handy, the ribbon cables are cheap on eBay. If you replace the clock spring, make absolutely certain that the unit has a large "R" in the plastic of the main face, if it has an "L" like most of the $20-odd units on eBay, it's for a left-hand drive vehicle and the indicator cancellation will work weird (I made this mistake myself).
Thanks guys for replies it was clock spring $245 for clock spring and $300 scanning and labour. Extortion. The worst thing is I replaced it only about 4mnths ago and its gone again not happy but fixed now I hope. But thanks for replies greatly appreciated....The one I bought online cost me $50 but oh well you only get what you pay for...
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Hot tip:

When replacing the clock spring, BEFORE installation, you should remove the locking plug and turn the inner part both ways, keeping count of how many full rotations it does.

You should be able to get almost 3 full rotations from centre in each direction. If you can't, the clock spring was set incorrectly, and it will break after installation.

The old clock spring can be rebuilt. I've even repaired damaged ribbon cables and the unit in my car is over a year old and still going strong.
Same issue here since today’s morning. Seems like my Navara is collecting every possible fault. 🤮 But after having spent 3K and wasted 1 month of our travel I don’t wanna end up near a workshop anymore.