2014 D40 ST maf sensor please help

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Jan 25, 2025
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Hey all, my d40 had issues recently with losing power. I scanned the code and it came up that the maf sensor was the fault. I replaced the sensor with a genuine hitachi sensor brand new. Now about 2 weeks later I’m losing power again on my way to work. I turned the car on and off a few times but still no difference then I took a look at the maf sensor and it was already properly plugged in but I unplugged it then plugged it back in and the issue went away. Is it possible that it is a fault in the wiring harness? Or maybe even in the plug that attaches to the sensor. I have an egr delete with a resistor fitted into wire #2 on the maf sensor plug wires. Could that resistor have failed? Any help would be appreciated
It's possible that the resistor has either failed, or a joint is not holding (like a cold solder joint). Solder joints often suffer in a mobile environment, the shaking tends to loosen them if they haven't been done really well (as in properly tinned and heated allowing the solder to run along the faces being joined, rather than just placing a blob of solder on and hoping it'll stay).