zd30 stalling randomly

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Jun 9, 2020
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hey guys,
been having a bit of a tricky problem for a few weeks now and can’t find any answers

back story.
so the nav, zd30, used to be my daily but now i have my own business and drive a van for most of my travels. nav sits in the garage on charge and i drive it every few weekends.
been extremely reliable.

drove to my sisters a few weeks ago, (25mins) got there fine, sat for around an hour and when i got back in, it cranked but wouldn’t start. primed it, checked all the fuses but no luck. then 5mins later it just started. took off and it stalled out the driveway. same thing, cranked for a while and then after a minute or two it started.

drove to my in laws place with no issue (20mins) then parked for about an hour again, and wouldn’t start. this time no luck, waited 20mins or so and tried again but just cranked over.
luckily my house is a 10min walk so i went home and a few hours later went back, it started as normal, drove home no worries.

did the obd diagnostic with pins 1 and 8 and found 0407 iirc, crank angle sensor. cleared the code, ordered a new one and while i had time, changed the fuel filter since it was due.

got the new sensor, installed it, went for a drive, maybe 10 mins in, it stalled. jumped out, primed it and it started. then stalled again 10mins later.
did a big block a few times and it was just random, sometimes i’d get home with no problems, sometimes it would stall, sometimes just stutter and keep running. but then the last 2 blocks i drove, i had no problems, so i thought maybe i didn’t prime it enough when i changed the filter and it was just a coincidence. checked again and no codes.

it sat for another week or so, i checked the battery, it was a little low so i thought maybe low voltage was the issue. but then disconnected the alternator, had it idling at 12v and then turned on everything i could and got it down to 11.1v with not even a hiccup.
charged it anyway.

drove back to my sisters place with no problem, sat for a couple hours. on the way home it stalled but it fired straight back up (with the key) while still rolling. did it again in 50m, started it and drove the next 15mins home without a problem.

googled for hours and a few people suggested clear hoses at the primer to check for air (it does sound like air in the fuel to me)
i have the inlet side with only very very small bubbles, basically solid fuel delivery. and the outlet side of the primer is foamy like a kitchen tap, big bubbles randomly etc.

thought that was 100% my issue, so ordered a new primer (non genuine unfortunately) installed it, made sure the filter was all on correctly, but with clear hoses it’s exactly the same.
both primers prime hard though, and with it idling and holding revs at about 2k, even with the bubbling outlet line, it sounds perfectly fine, no stutters, stalling etc.

i haven’t had time to drive it yet with the new primer, but chasing any other ideas on what this could be. really hoping it’s not the injector pump, but with the list of codes i figured if it was, something would show up.

sorry for the long read, but i figured more info is better

thanks for any help in advance!
a common place for air to be sucked in is the filters bottom o ring. people forget to change them, or install them twisted. check the hose ends, a few people have found them split at the end. also double check its the right filter, i had one wix filters list the wrong one before. same fittings but different filter.

any sign of diesel bug? i wonder if you have got something clogging the pipe down by the tank or even the tank pickup.