YD25: is it really a dog?

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265000 ks on my yd25,never used a drop of oil or leaked any,always gets a 5 minute warm up and oil and filter every 10000,rarely gets flogged.
I'd buy another.

My neighbours has 325,000 and is the same as yours , part the reason why i got the D-40 , mine gets the 5 min warm up and has done 25,000 in 10 weeks with zero issues
If it's mechanical there is only one guarantee you have- At some point it's going to break down.

However I'm over the Navara experiment. Had several issues since new. A pathetic service department. Several letters to Nissan... The list goes on but wont bore you with it. Just have no confidence in the truck anymore. Not a good feeling if your in the middle of nowhere. Always listening for something. Does that clutch feel right. Does that timing chain sound noisy...

Had a few Nissans over the years and generally they are great cars. Two Patrols, which were great. Wife had a Pulsar for years, fantastic car but I think the Navs and Pathfinders are duds.

Resale speaks for itself. It's pathetic. Argue all you want but there is no escaping the resale. It's not flash.

Having said all that It drives better than any ute I've had. Quiet, comfortable, and some how my fuel consumption is very good but it's gotta go and soon.

Looking for a wagon myself and ATM the last thing I would look at is a Pathfinder.

Considering a 70 series Toyota wagon. Expensive I know but a mate of mine who owns a 70 series tray back said "sure they cost a packet but when you look at it you only need 3 in your lifetime as they just last". He has a point.
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Thought briefly about a v8 4door workmate - but I like a bit of economy!

Honestly, I'd keep the d22 but my kids aren't getting any shorter (my son is 13 and wears a size 13 shoe) & we all know about the back seats in those.
seems to be a matter of not if but when, some on here thinks its all BS (the ones with D40's) whatever helps you sleep at night I guess...

Failing that a pajero would be my second choice, I never drove one myself but apparently the 3.2 non cr diesel was pretty good and pretty reliable.

yea tell your mrs the pathie is going to explode.

Like I said work out the overall costs, you might be surprised.


So with the hundreds of thousands of YD2.5 motors running around all of them have timing chain issues??

Its just wierd because i just dont seem to see every mechanics workshop with them flowing out the doors like you would if all of them need the timing chain replaced.
Dont forget they are fitted to D22, D40, and pathfinder and they sell over 30,000 navs alone per year and they have know been in them since "05" and out of all the members on this site with that motor how many have had timing chain problems??? I can think of less then 5 but lets just say maybe 10 max, yeah sure it does make it something you should be aware of but thats it, it in no way makes it a 100% certain or a given that if you own one you WILL have dramas.

Its like all the horror stories about the ZD30,according to some people they are the biggest hand-grenade ever made, but mine had 370,000km on it and never missed a beat, how is yours going?? has it exploded yet??
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You tell 'em nathan. Give 'em what for laddie.

At the end of the day just like there is Yota haters there is always going to be those who want to believe that the timing chains will fail. No ones going to change that no matter how many times the question gets asked on the forum.
I try n think of the positives. I had a zd30 03 str and got all paranoid because forums thrive on things gone wrong not things gone right. Sold that ute to a local bloke with 285000 on it and that was 4 years ago. With the few little issues I might have with the yd25 they can be attended to but for now it goes as strong as ever, has done 40000 on new timing chain and has towed things that most of you would've never heard of. Machines weighing 5-7tonne on triaxle rigid trailers at 50km/h in 4wd. Taking 3.5 tonne scrap metal to Adelaide towing in 6th with cruise on and it just eats it up. With a little work they are a beast of a tow vehicle really. From where I am I can honestly say I don't know anyone else's ute to have this timing chain problem yet so those odds are pretty good.
was waiting for the timing chains never break brigade to show up.

I don't want to believe it but it seems lately there has been a couple of "timing chain needs replacing" threads per month which there never used to be, also nearly all of them seem to be from D40 owners.

the way I see it is for every one that gets reported on here there is probably half a dozen that no one hears about since this is still a pretty small community. At the end of the day if your comfortable with your ute then thats great try not to think about it.
Thought briefly about a v8 4door workmate - but I like a bit of economy!

Honestly, I'd keep the d22 but my kids aren't getting any shorter (my son is 13 and wears a size 13 shoe) & we all know about the back seats in those.

Haha yeah true that. We have an old NISSAN/DATSUN 720 dual cab as a hack. I drew the short straw this morning and had to cram my 6"2' 110kg arse in the back seat. And my d22 wasn't much better. D40 with a canopy makes a big wagon, more room than a pathy and probably a **** load cheaper with a run out deal
was waiting for the timing chains never break brigade to show up.

I don't want to believe it but it seems lately there has been a couple of "timing chain needs replacing" threads per month which there never used to be, also nearly all of them seem to be from D40 owners.

the way I see it is for every one that gets reported on here there is probably half a dozen that no one hears about since this is still a pretty small community. At the end of the day if your comfortable with your ute then thats great try not to think about it.

First of all I never said they DONT brake, show me where i said that??
lets say your right and we have had 100 people on here that have replaced the chains, then we multiply those by 6 like you suggest, bugger it lets make that 20 which adds up to be 2000,, so what happens to the other 50,000 odd yd2.5s sold each year??

you say try not to think about it, why would anyone want to burry there head in the sand??
Like i said i dont denny that there has been timing chain issues, Its just NOT as bad as people like you make out.

You never answered the questions about the ZD30? just because they copped a bad rap doesnt mean ****, or do burry your head in the sand about all there issues?? or do you keep it in mind so if there are any sign you can fix them before they really get bad.
i agree , although i dont have a turbo timer , as a smoker lol i sort of do , ill never pull over and turn the thing off , i always jump out , have a smoke then shut it down , good for the turbo , crap for me

Relo does the same with his prado when towing the camper, every stop he jumps out has a smoke then turns the car off.
First of all I never said they DONT brake, show me where i said that??
lets say your right and we have had 100 people on here that have replaced the chains, then we multiply those by 6 like you suggest, bugger it lets make that 20 which adds up to be 2000,, so what happens to the other 50,000 odd yd2.5s sold each year??

you say try not to think about it, why would anyone want to burry there head in the sand??
Like i said i dont denny that there has been timing chain issues, Its just NOT as bad as people like you make out.

You never answered the questions about the ZD30? just because they copped a bad rap doesnt mean ****, or do burry your head in the sand about all there issues?? or do you keep it in mind so if there are any sign you can fix them before they really get bad.
Yea but you and a few others always get upity when someone mentions there could be a problem with them...like walking on egg shells sometimes never know who your going to upset.

As for my Zd30, since the ZD30 in series 2 navaras doesn't grenade I am more worried about the fuel pump letting go, last I knew it was like $4500 for a new one or the turbo going and killing the motor cause Nissan lacked the foresight to put a $50 intercooler on. However the risk of these happening to an engine with full service history and only 70k km on it are pretty unlikely.
Resale speaks for itself. It's pathetic. Argue all you want but there is no escaping the resale. It's not flash.

That is the bit that yotas,s have on there side, people believe the propaganda so they hold there price, I won't say hold value or worth
As for my Zd30, since the ZD30 in series 2 navaras doesn't grenade I am more worried about the fuel pump letting go, last I knew it was like $4500 for a new one or the turbo going and killing the motor cause Nissan lacked the foresight to put a $50 intercooler on. However the risk of these happening to an engine with full service history and only 70k km on it are pretty unlikely.

I put a cross country top mount on mine, and I wouldn't buy another turbo diesel unless it had a cooler, but to be honest I don't lose any sleep over any supposed issues on my nav.
Yea but you and a few others always get upity when someone mentions there could be a problem with them...like walking on egg shells sometimes never know who your going to upset.

As for my Zd30, since the ZD30 in series 2 navaras doesn't grenade I am more worried about the fuel pump letting go, last I knew it was like $4500 for a new one or the turbo going and killing the motor cause Nissan lacked the foresight to put a $50 intercooler on. However the risk of these happening to an engine with full service history and only 70k km on it are pretty unlikely.

I dont get "upity",,, your scare mongering and exaggeration doesnt bother me in the slightest, I will simply debate the issue for as long as i have to when people like you come on and say every one ever made will have problems 100% for certain, when thats just not true and if you looked at the actual figures you would see that there are more that have NOT had an issue over the ones that HAVE had an issue.

OH and your a big boy you shouldnt worry about who you may upset, then you wont have to walk on egg shells .

Next, Look at what you just said about the ZD30, the exact same thing can be said about the YD2.5, in most cases of timing chain failure its the cheap tensioner that causes the probs and it seem more prevalent in earlier models.
I havent heard many if any timing chains going with only 70k on the clock and good service history, so i guess that makes timing chain failure pretty unlikely at that stage.
09 farm Playdo with options was 97K driveaway but that was not bargained, that was walk in replace this with that farmer pricing.

Pathy's are cheaper even with the 6 pot but they are a Nissan and therefore doomed to fail so don't you go sticking up for them nathan.
The biggest contributing factor to the reason people hate so much on new age CRD engines is that alot of them upgraded from vehicles fitted with 1HZ's, TD42's & so on and the sales rep forgot to tell them that the service intervals cant be when it comes for a rego check.
Yes the YD25 have problems but, make no doubt every model of new age vehicle has problems of some sort. The thing you need to do is make sure you are confident in the person servicing you vehicle, if not find new mechanic. they will warn you of problems and suggest replacment when they are needed.

Mine has 30,000km had to replace EGT sensor, kept putting computer into limp mode. droppped it in the day after it happened and was fixed then and there under warrenty. I am happy with it, but not in the same breath but unless you have huge $$$ every vehicle is going to have a short coming of sorts