Boss, I had a squeak too. I packed the rubber bumpers on each corner with a piece of cardboard to make sure that was the problem, it was. The fix I used, was to loosen the mounting bolts on the bonnet catch and move it down, to pull the bonnet down onto the rubber bumpers more firmly. No more squeak, you can also wind the rubber bumpers (on the bonnet front corners) out a little as well, just not too much or they will fall out they have a screw thread on them.
Taking mine back for the millionth time down on power apparently there is a software upgrade to fix this not sure how this works if its software it shouldnt have changed
any update on this?
I,ve have replaced door seals replaced twice and looking at get a third set soon. Cause is from the factory roof racks they rub the on door seals.
Two other warrenty jobs was from a leak from the transfercase, I forget the name of the part but it was like a sensor or a switch that attached to the case that was leaking, fixed no probs and on inspection an exhaust flange was busted too and fixed under warrenty.
Ill let you know later in the week im booking it in for thursday because last time it went in the manager was out and the other guys didn bother to check it they just fixed door instead.
But yes according to service adviser there is a software update for D40 dual and kingcab not single cab