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Feb 27, 2023
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Hey guys
Wanna purchase a replacement primer bulb d40 at Autobarn, supacheap etc..

Just thought ask here first for recommendations about where u buy yours & how much u pay?

I dont have $ left to buy a $200 LOL genuine 2 cent rubber nissan primer.

I bought a ebay, but it's 8mm ends & the stock fuel hoses are about 10-12 inner so its annoying, and i will need to replace the hoses with 8mm inner to be able to use it.

Ideally i would like steel ends anyway, so i can do up the clamps real tight & avoid stupid nissan fake limp mode bullsh t that happens when these stockers either dont seal enough at the clamps.. or fail and return fuel.. or both
I'm looking at going a simple 1 way new $10 valve with metal ends i can tighten the fuel hoses with metal clamps to get max sealing on them.

I think it will be better than stock,
To have such good seals,
to eliminate chance if air getting in.

Being brand new than theres no chance of fuel going 2way back to the tank from an old stock primer bulb.

Sound good? Probably!
Should work fine Old Tony.
All 1way primers should suit any diesel vehicle right?

Ive ordered a 12mm & a 10mm on ebay with metal (alloy i imagine) ends.

Im gonna clamp the sucker right up.

Ive had a random stall out on a 60kmh highway the other night & didn't wanna restart till i primed it &
It went wicked well after then
happened the next day so i primed it up again a couple times.

Say my primer bulbs cactus and letting fuel back & every 3ish weeks its back with air or fuel in it doing it again & going into false limp mode,
Even chucked a code the night it happened that went away next day.

Prime time for a new primer :)
I bought this outboard one from Supercheap with the 8mm connectors plus a packet of suitable clamps. Swap the 90 degree connectors out of your old bulb for the straight through ones in your new bulb, tighten in place with new clamps, reinstall noting the correct direction and bobs your uncle.

Won't get you the metal connectors you want though.

Once installed get ready to prime that thing for aaaaaaages. Definitely a job for the apprentice if you have one handy.
Oh right.. didnt realise the ends could be swapped. I have an 8mm in my room, i went to fit then realised hoses were too large.. put stocky back on.

How long is priming for aaaaaages??

When i had my stocky off, then put it back on, i only had to prime 12-20 times and filler went hard.

Drove for a 3 weeks 1500km before i had a issue with the stock primer.
It was a while ago now but I reckon it was over 10 minutes. I recall checking in with a mechanic mate at the time just in case something had gone wrong and he confirmed it was pretty standard.
So i got the alloy bsp type end primer bulbs delived in 10 & 12 mm.

One could just put some 8mm inner/10ish mm outer fuel hose over the plastic 8mm ends of the 8mm primers sold on ebay etc & slide into the existing fuel hoses..

But i am going to go metal.
I want no air getting in, no fuel getting out.

To me 10mm looks like the size to match the existing fuel hoses.

I'll go ahead & fit & tighten real nice with metal clamps to eliminate air getting in from this equation!

Then with a bit of luck i have yet again eliminated another "loss of power especially under load / false limp mode" problem.

It seems to be possibly the only cause of these for me, either fuel was going back to the tank & after 2-3 weeks daily driving causing limps, requiring at least 12 primings rather than usual 6 to harden the primer, another possibility qas air getting in thru the fuel hoses while priming it, or from someplace else in the fuel sys.

Navara Spain with 310k on clock, which i got to run waaaay better than when i got it if u read my other posts,
Solving a few causes of limp mode, power loss / bad black smoke, and general running much smoother mostly from boost loss in clamps & other tlc all over.

I'll let people know if it goes much nicer with the new primer fitted & no more limps creeping back,
After a few hundred or 1000km.



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It was a while ago now but I reckon it was over 10 minutes. I recall checking in with a mechanic mate at the time just in case something had gone wrong and he confirmed it was pretty standard.
Wow. Thats ages!
when i took mone off then noticed the 8mm new one didnt match the existing fuel hoses, i had to put the stockie back on for now as i had no 8mm inner new hose on me.

I used screws in the fuel lines to block them off while undoing.

When i repumped it, it only took me 30 seconds or something
It probably might not hurt me if i pump it up. Start it. Turn it off.
Pump it up again....
for about 10 mins,
that might help ensure airs bled out the system? 🤣🤣🤦
I fitted the 10mm with metal ends, cost about $9 off ebay.

I had to mod the fuel hoses as it was kinking the primer bulb as it has straight ends.

I rerouted the primer to a easy access high position between the filter & brake booster with longer fuel hose & chopped a bend off the existing fuel hose that goes to filter.

Took about 5-6 pumps to prime up.
Went for a drive & trucks going great, maybe a bit better & stronger on the engine.. fitting with maybe my original primer had gone a bit bad.

Here's a pic of the mod.
I'll pop the engine cover back on later & upload another.


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I do have one question for those more knowledgeable than me in hindsight.

Heres why:
When i fitted it i was in belief the 'arrow' on primer direction should point toward coming from the filter.. going towards the steel pipe up behind the filter.
But when i primed it just squished in and didnt expand back out as if i fitted in wrong direction.
So i flipped it round and faced the arrow toward the filter & it primed up just fine & the car ran well for 30km or so driving earlier.

Q: Which ways the arrow meant to point to.. the filter or the other direction?
I would have thought the arrow would point in the direction that the pump would make the fuel flow.
Which direction is that?
From the metal line coming across the PS towards DS on firewall, Which goes then onward into the primer, then into the filter ??

Is that primer bulb going to the filter or from the filter the other way?

Thats all i dont understand 🤣
Ahh ok, got it. My understanding is that the fuel primer bulb draws fuel through the fuel filter, it doesn't enter the primer first, so the intake end of the primer will be on the hose that comes from the top of the filter. The arrow therefore ought to point away from the filter.
Thanks @Old.Tony .. thats what i thought too. I installed the thing that way, went to prime and it just squished in and didn't want to prime, as if it pushed the fuel back the wrong way and no air was there for more priming.

So i switched the ends around and it primed and ran okay.
Though maybe i had it wrong to begin with & i now have it right...

As it primed, started and drove proper for two 35min drives i needed to do right after fitting.

At least i have the spare unused 12mm primer.. i can visually inspect its ends to check i have it facing the right way in comparison to the one i fitted yest.

I can view the 12mm ends & check they match the ends directions/arrow on the 10mm one.

It got confusing as i couldnt prime.
I was in a hurry to go out urgently,
And i flipped it in the other direction, pulled it apart and stuff and swapped the ends so I didn't have undo 4 clamps, instead just two.

So it should be correct but maybe just the rubber primer arrow now facing wrong way, but primer ends correct.

I doubt it'd run at all or right if i had it wrong. Better go compare and check thoroughly though 😁

I have it correct it seems.
Thefuel filter far left top metal pipe is the inlet.

So that would mean the arrow facing it on the non genuine cheap primers is correct,pulling fuel in from the metal rail that comes down from the firewall.. to the primer.. to the filter.

The genuine part has no arrow.
So it gets way confusing.

Facing the non gen primer bulb the other way just blocks it off from pulling diesel to the filter,
So i had it correct.

Phew. I was half peaking worrying i would destroy my navara having this non genuine around wrong way.

But i had it correct.
I actually think the non genuine is an improvement.
The priming ends are different,
and they might prime better.
Ahh ok, got it. My understanding is that the fuel primer bulb draws fuel through the fuel filter, it doesn't enter the primer first, so the intake end of the primer will be on the hose that comes from the top of the filter. The arrow therefore ought to point away from the filter.

On mine the primer is on the intake to the filter, so the arrow points to the filter.
Beautiful ! All reinstalled.
Thanks @Old.Tony & @Chapster !

It's in there like a work of art.
Was able to use the stock bulb 2 clips under the filter to pop the fuel hose coming down from the firewall into. It was like the clips were made for it.

Ive popped the engine cover back on & i will attach a few pics, post op.

So not only is the primer replaced, i have super easy access.

Should be happy days.
I stress the word should.


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