Sheikh your arse all the way home, Please.

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Shit is hitting the fan blades in Belgium! Which Country will fall next?

"Let's Turn Belgium into an Islamist State"

Hudson New York
by Soeren Kern

December 19, 2011 at 5:00 am

An Islamist group in Belgium is intensifying a propaganda and intimidation campaign aimed at turning the country into Europe’s first Islamic state.
Over the past several months, Sharia4Belgium, a Muslim organization that wants to implement Islamic Sharia law throughout Belgium, has become increasing belligerent in its appeals to fellow Muslims to overthrow the democratic order in the country.

The latest installment of Islamist agitprop comes in the form of a video in which the Belgian Islamist Sheik Abu Imran declares that the black flag of Islamic Jihad will "soon be flying on top of all the palaces in Europe."

The December 11 video, which has been translated into English by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), shows Imran dressed in military camouflage calling for the destruction of the Atomium, a monument in Brussels that is the national symbol of Belgium.

Imran says: "This is a short message to the King of Belgium and specifically to the Muslims in Belgium. This is the flag [black flag of jihad] that, Allah willing, will soon be flying on top of that building over there [the Belgian royal palace]. There you see the flag [Belgian flag] of the Taghut, the infidels, and soon the flag of 'there is no god but Allah' will be flying there, on top of that palace, and on top of all the other palaces in Europe, until Allah willing, we reach the White House…We will not rest, we will not stop, until this flag flies on top of that building [the royal palace]."

The video then continues from another location in Brussels, namely directly in front of the Atomium. Imran says: "We can see nowadays how people are taking photos, and how people from all over Brussels and from all over Europe, come here for what is called 'tourism' and take photos of this monument. They hold on to this monument. On top, you can see the Belgian flag. This monument is a symbol of Belgium…Soon, Belgium will fall apart. May Allah disperse them and their country. Amen. Then this symbol will be useless to them."

Imran continues: "Look how people view this monument as their Taghut, their idol…We should destroy these monuments. How can we demonstrate that we are Muslims? … We must free ourselves from this idolatry…we call upon everyone to stay away from idols and idolatry. One of these idols is this Taghut [the Atomium] here behind us, with the flag of the Taghut government [Belgium] on top of it, a symbol of the Taghut regime, the Taghut system ruling this country.

"But Allah willing, Belgium will soon be freed from polytheism and idolatry…We promise to clean Belgium from the system of idolatry as well as of the idols themselves. Then we will demolish this symbol, this monument. Why? … We need to ensure the safety of Belgian Muslims and non-Muslims in the Islamic state that will replace this Taghut. Allah willing, the more Muslims who participate, the faster we will reach our goal of freeing Belgium from tyranny, and from idolatry, and of implementing the purest form of Tawheed [Islamic doctrine] in our lives. Let us live in an Islamic state, in which there is no idolatry, and there is only 'There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.'"

This video came just days after a mob of extremists belonging to Sharia4Belgium stormed a debate in Amsterdam that was featuring two Muslim liberals: the Canadian writer and Muslim feminist Irshad Manji and the Dutch-Moroccan Green Left MP Tofik Dibi.

Waving an Islamist jihadist flag, the Islamists yelled "Allahu Akbar!" (Allah is Greater) and threatened to break Manji's neck. They then demanded that both Manji and Dibi be executed for apostasy.
The December 8 debate on how liberal Muslims can prevent Islam from being hijacked by Muslim extremists was held at the De Baile venue in downtown Amsterdam, and was sponsored by the Brussels-based European Foundation for Democracy. The event resumed after police arrested several of the Islamists.

Previously, 40 members of Sharia4Belgium engaged in "Campus Jihad" by disrupting a speech about Islam by the Dutch author Benno Barnard. The lecture, entitled "The Islam Debate: Long Live God, Down with Allah!," was part of a series of talks at Antwerp University about the Enlightenment.
In September, Sharia4Belgium established Belgium's first Islamic Sharia law court in Antwerp, the second-largest city in the country.

Leaders of the group say the purpose of the court is to create a parallel Islamic legal system in Belgium in order to challenge the state's authority as the enforcer of the civil law protections guaranteed by the Belgian constitution.

The self-appointed Muslim judges running the Islamic Sharia court apply Islamic law, rather than the secular Belgian Family Law system, to resolve disputes involving questions of marriage and divorce, child custody and child support, as well as all inheritance-related matters.

Unlike Belgian civil law, Islamic Sharia law does not guarantee equal rights for men and women; critics of the Sharia court say it will undermine the rights of Muslim women in marriage and education.
Sharia4Belgium says the court in Antwerp will eventually expand its remit and handle criminal cases as well. But Sharia4Belgium also expects non-Muslims to submit to Sharia law.

A partial archive of an earlier version of Sharia4Belgium's website includes a threat in the form of an invitation calling for all Belgians to convert to Islam and to submit to Sharia law or face the consequences.

The text says:
"It is now 86 years since the fall of the Islamic Caliphate. The tyranny and corruption in this country [Belgium] has prevailed; we go from one scandal to another: Economic crises, paedophilia, crime, growing Islamophobia, etc."
"As in the past we [Muslims] have saved Europe from the dark ages, we now plan to do the same. Now we have the right solution for all crises and this is the observance of the divine law, namely Sharia. We call to implement Sharia in Belgium.

"Sharia is the perfect system for humanity...As a result, we invite the royal family, parliament, all the aristocracy and every Belgian resident to submit to the light of Islam. Save yourself and your children of the painful punishment of the hereafter and grant yourself eternal life in paradise."
A cache of the background image for the Sharia4Belgium website has the black flag of jihad flying above the Belgian Parliament. Until recently, the Sharia4Belgium Youtube page (which has been shut down) was used to incite Muslims to Jihad, or Holy War. The group had posted videos with titles such as, "Jihad Is Obligatory," "Encouraging Jihad," "Duelling & Guerrilla Warfare," and "The Virtues of Martyrdom."

In a recent debate with Filip Dewinter, a Belgian politician who has raised public awareness of the dangers posed by radical Islam, Imran said: "There are a lot of Muslims in Belgian politics, which is something I cannot understand. You are either a Muslim or a democrat, you cannot be both. I have no business with infidels. My mission is to please Allah, not infidels."
Imran continued: "Let's turn Belgium into Europe’s first Islamic state. We have enough judges, scholars and leaders who can become caliphs…Filip Dewinter is right. This is the beginning of the Islamization of Antwerp. And to all infidels: Adjust or get out!"

Soeren Kern is Senior Fellow for Transatlantic Relations at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook.

PS, Keep your friends close, however keep your enemies’ even closer



Catholic Priests would never do such things. Hey?

The difference, of course, is that the Catholics are breaking the law by doing it. As far as the Muslim law is concerned, it is perfectly acceptable to have your way with a child.

I wonder if I could get an M82A3 into the country with a few thousand rounds?
"My attack is on the Prime Minister of Australia," he said yesterday. "I hate the parliament in Canberra. I want to go straight for the jugular vein and advise the parliament that they have no right to legislate. They should immediately step down and let the Muslims take over."


Siddiq-Conlon shrugs off concerns his campaign will damage the moderate Muslim community. "If it causes a backlash against the Muslims, I can't help that. This is a necessary debate."

There's no "debate" when you start by claiming that the Muslims must take over.

Them's fighting words. Say it again when you're ready to take a .50cal round in the head.
That's quite an amazing read. Religious law is encroaching on secular law?

Nope, it a secular law that could be used to shut down a similar post that offends any religion.

The question is whether she was speaking the truth(is that sufficient in NSW?/other states) or whether he aim was to denigrate Islam.

IMO, she needed to show that the child sex was a regular thing with multiple children. Distorting one event that may have been acceptable past (ancient?) culture is not "reporting" the truth. Plenty of far worse activities in this country since "the first fleet".
followers of islam have some prety weird/unaceptable/illegal practises they think are aceptable and as there religion dictates they are duty bound to recruit and enforce there way of life,so unless you think it ok to dress the mrs in a ninja suit,let your imahn shag your 9yr old daughter preach hate,ban cucumbers and bannanas,tv,female drivers or any rights at all for women bury your head coz governments are so shit scared of being called racist theyll pander to these nutters every whim,barret .50 on order lol
followers of islam have some prety weird/unaceptable/illegal practises they think are aceptable and as there religion dictates they are duty bound to recruit and enforce there way of life,so unless you think it ok to dress the mrs in a ninja suit,let your imahn shag your 9yr old daughter preach hate,ban cucumbers and bannanas,tv,female drivers or any rights at all for women bury your head coz governments are so shit scared of being called racist theyll pander to these nutters every whim,barret .50 on order lol

I honestly do not think our government is pandering to any of these nutters. The only people pandering to them are the so called average aussie who treat the ranting of these rare, extreme nut cases as representative of all Muslims/whatever.

Sigh, so many people just wanna have their chain jerked.
I am reliably informed that THE weapon of choice for an assassin is a .22. Lethal and doesn't spatter blood around.

That might be the case, but if I was truly serious about it I'd go for a 5.56mm MSSR or better yet an M16 with a TAC16 suppressor and an M2124 powered scope.

Range and accuracy is vastly improved over generic .22 rounds (although Stinger rounds are better).

The .50cal is quite a hefty weapon and can't really be fired well unless prone - but then it's accurate to 1.5km or so, and at that range can still punch through brickwork. Good for taking out tanks, APCs - putting one of these rounds through the engine block of any passenger vehicle is instantly terminal for the vehicle. They can fire incendiary and explosive rounds, so aiming for the fuel tank produces quite exciting results.
I honestly do not think our government is pandering to any of these nutters. The only people pandering to them are the so called average aussie who treat the ranting of these rare, extreme nut cases as representative of all Muslims/whatever.

Sigh, so many people just wanna have their chain jerked.

They aren't now, but their voice is getting louder. I only hope we can continue to show restraint in pandering to them.

I'm absolutely confident that there are some muslims who are peaceful. I'm sure that there are a great many who are content to live by our laws.

I'm also confident that, should the vocal nutters manage to get things changed, these peaceful "compliant" ones would continue to be peaceful and compliant under the new system too. These people aren't the ones to worry about.

Unfortunately one of the tenets of anti-terrorism holds true: those who fight against these people and events have to be successful every single time. Terrorists only have to be successful once.

I'm concerned about our freedoms slipping away. The freedom to even talk about this stuff is threatened. Unfortunately over-reaction does occur, but if in the desperation to not inflict slights upon a people, we willingly allow those people to remove our freedoms - we are effectively shooting ourselves in the foot.
Valhalla v Muslim

They aren't now, but their voice is getting louder. I only hope we can continue to show restraint in pandering to them.

I'm absolutely confident that there are some muslims who are peaceful. I'm sure that there are a great many who are content to live by our laws.

I'm also confident that, should the vocal nutters manage to get things changed, these peaceful "compliant" ones would continue to be peaceful and compliant under the new system too. These people aren't the ones to worry about.

Unfortunately one of the tenets of anti-terrorism holds true: those who fight against these people and events have to be successful every single time. Terrorists only have to be successful once.

I'm concerned about our freedoms slipping away. The freedom to even talk about this stuff is threatened. Unfortunately over-reaction does occur, but if in the desperation to not inflict slights upon a people, we willingly allow those people to remove our freedoms - we are effectively shooting ourselves in the foot.

G,day Tony,

In Norse mythology, Valhalla (from Old Norse Valhǫll "hall of the slain" is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, ruled over by the god Odin.

Chosen by Odin, for those that die in combat travel to Valhalla upon death, led by valkyries, while the others go to the goddess Freyja's field Fólkvangr.

In Valhalla, the dead join the masses of those who have died in combat known as Einherjar, as well as various legendary heroes and kings, as they prepare to aid Odin during the events of Ragnarök.

Viva Valhalla as we fight the extreme Muslim terrorist hoards with Vagners music the flight of the Valkyries, playing in the back-ground as attack helicopters, fighter jets, bombers and A10 Warthogs conduct the symphony of death. Peace will always be attained through superior firepower.

Can you hear the music boys, i am getting a hard-on! ( The sound-track to the movie Apocalypse Now)



Can you hear the music boys,

Yeah I can actually, but having done one album cover, one website and countless other paraphernalia for the band I often hear Valhalla's music where others don't.

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