Servicing under a New Car Warranty

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From the Ryco website, but by the ACCC.



  • 1232573849_document_accc_new_car_warranty_update_0807.pdf
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That's a good read. It explains precisely why you're not always saving money by taking it to someone else.

Between the lines ... if you have a failure in your vehicle that is the direct result of the non-genuine substituted component (eg an oil filter), then the repair bill is YOURS and you have to claim it back from the supplier, installer and/or manufacturer of the component, whereas if the dealer serviced the vehicle, THEY are responsible for the repair and you don't have to worry about it.

It's absolutely true that Nissan should not be refusing warranty work if the vehicle is serviced by someone else AND the fault isn't to do with that service or the components used. It may be difficult to prove, and to avoid the problem entirely I'll continue to have my vehicle serviced by my dealer (whom I have had no problems with at all).
Reading that page a qualified mechanic can perform his own car servicing at home and not void the warranty

I'm not 100% but it may have to be done also by a registered business having qualified mech's..

on top of that, if you used genuine nissan parts, i cant see how they could knock back a warranty claim

they would try of course...

after warranty period...use who and what you like
Thats what that document states. A qualified mechanic other than dealer may service a vehicle and maintain warranty
While we knew that anyway it's good to have it from the ACCC but it should be made essential reading before signing up for a forum account......just like what tyres can be fitted
And car dealers would make even more money from people too scared to go elsewhere and get their cars serviced. They already make enough without handing it too them.
My mate does weekend car services for $20 minor $50 major, done in a fully fitted workshop and provides trade price genuine parts where requested. I do help him while he does mine but he's the qualified diesel mech with the "official" stamp, it also gives me a chance to see absolutely everything for myself. Not that it would happen but he can't just tell me my brakes need replacing when there is still 50% left on them because I can see everything he's doing, don't know of too many dealer mechs that would allow such close scrutiny.
When I read the topic on this thread I thought Krankin was making a public service announcement to save all the repeated posts asking if it's ok to not use a dealer for servicing.

yes, but as farrrrrkin usual, it turns to shit soon afterwoods

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