Saturday Night do do do...

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Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Forster NSW
Howdy, how are you spending your Saturday night? Me, I'm in hospital post op for a double hernia. The pills have fully kicked in and I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy.
Anyway the repairs to me got me thinking I should have the Nav looking all shiny by the muster. Time to fix the door etc. I think!
😂😂😂😂😂😂 good way to spend your Saturday night hope you have a speady recovery bud
It's one of those things I couldn't put off. Anyway the pills are doing the job. A beer would have been nicer! Plenty of time to think things through ie. Which repairs to make and what order to do them in. Definitely looking forward to this years muster!
Cheers Brad
Haha yeah they're looking after me, this hospital just happens to be one of my biggest clients.
It's one of those things I couldn't put off. Anyway the pills are doing the job. A beer would have been nicer! Plenty of time to think things through ie. Which repairs to make and what order to do them in. Definitely looking forward to this years muster!
Cheers Brad
Good man Brad, keep calm and let the op go smooth.
Thanks Tony. Well I'm home now, sore as but on the mend. Have to say guys if you ever have similar surgery, take the pain meds! I thought I had to tough it out on panadol and more than likely spent the extra night in hospital because of it.
Cheers Brad
Hope your feeling better, after I had my hernia op last year, I spent the first fortnight walking around holding my stomach, cause it felt like it wanted to burst or fall out
Week and a half now, feeling pretty good! Still swollen down those parts and the bat and balls are looking rather dark :)

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