I didn't read all the posts, so I can't say if anyone else has done the same, but I had this problem, again it's one of those things you don't really look for, but after warranty had run out, I noticed this, it's really ****, however there is a cheap and easy solution that will last instead of repainting.
Sikaflex/ Silicone (neutral cure type)
You can use this and detail the finish really nicely if you have a colour car that you can match to the type of silicone. I did this to mine, looks fine, i'd ideally not like to have done it, but I wasn't going to pay to spray the roof of my car for something so small and the sikaflex will last longer than the paint will anyway.
ps you can also buy a sikaflex primer if you really want to go over the top and it will make the sika adhere even better.