Redarc DC-DC charger

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Dec 6, 2012
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Hi all

I have a Redarc DC-DC charger in my truck. I just want to confirm my understanding of its operation with you guys before I go back to my auto sparky and get him to look at it. Here is a quote from the redarc site:
Additionally a highly advanced battery isolator constantly monitors the vehicle battery input charge level, protecting your start battery from excessive discharge.
My understanding from that is that if I'm set up camping and run my electrics flat out without starting the vehicle or having solar etc, that the device will leave enough juice in my starting battery to start the vehicle. So first question, is my understanding of that correct?
Reason I ask is that recently I went to Moreton and forgot to wind the fridge back when I arrived (usually I have the fridge set colder when I travelling since the batteries have the alternator support but when I'm camping I dial the fridge back a little. Anyway, after a few days of being stationary, I had nothing. Usually I get four days out of my 80 amp hour running the camp and the car starts fine. This time, on day three, I had nothing. So to question 2: Let's suppose the install of my device is correct, could a fault with the starting battery (still factory original, just on 5 years old), be masked by the deep cycle and the charger? That is, could the deep cycle via the charger be continuously topping up the failing starter during daily driving etc and it only became apparent to me when the deep cycle was discharged?
Thanks for your help.