Rear Diff Locking Light

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Feb 10, 2013
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Hi All,

Yesterday I picked up a new 2012 ST DC/PU, I absolutely love it!

I was being my nerdy self and read the manual, There is a light that displayed the for wheels of the car, the manual says its the "Rear Diff Locking" light. and it should turn off when the car starts and then on when you engage the option diff lockers Well thats the way it reads to me.

In mine it is always on, with the rear axle illuminated, when I enter 4HI the front illuminates, when i enter 4LO it says "4LO" just below it.

Two me the light looks like a 2wd/4wd indicator, but the manual seems to say different.

Do I need to go back to the shop? Or is everyones on?

Oh did I mention I love it?? :)
Im pretty sure there's a loom in the cab that will control diff locks if tapped into and tracked might be a possibility to use the light that does come on...
What you are describing is the driveline indicator... Rear wheels always illuminated, front illuminate when 4hi is selected and 4lo underneith it when that is selected. In D40 that is the norm. BTW I love mine too!
You couldn't post a photo of that light could you, Im keen to see it.

Hi Mate,

Sorry for the delay and crappy photo:


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