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Wakeboarding all day. 35 degree heat. Sun burnt. I'm gunna say a bit of both. Ha a good
Time paying for it now
I got a bit burnt at the beach two weeks ago, don't know why I needed the reminder but it did remind me that sunscreen is there for a reason.
I could probably put this in Trips and Touring as a tip, but I may as well throw it in here for the moment - everyone else might already know this!

We've got a grandson, and at the ripe age of 2 and a half, we thought it was about time he started coming along with us when we take off in the caravan.

So tonight, as an experiment, we did the usual dinner and bathing then took him into the caravan and put him to sleep in there (yes, we stayed in there too).

The result? Hardly any fuss or bother, he whined a little bit, but a soothing calm voice and a soft hand and he lay down and went to sleep.

I believe that this is because we are very, very regular with his bedtimes. We ALWAYS take him for a bath at 7pm and then dry & dress him and put him to bed. Always. We only very very rarely miss that - like when we drove up to Coffs Harbour to see RLI.

So for any of you out there that have a young 'un and are dreading a camping trip - there's no need to worry, as long as you can keep a mostly regular sleeping pattern for them, they should be fine.

And now that the new water tanks and lights are installed in the van, we're ready for the next trip - Coopernook, next weekend!
The youngen isn't the problem I'd have with camping it's the mother who'd divorce me if I suggested camping as a family trip.
We took our daughter caravaning from a young age. The biggest problem was there was a couple of occasions that she woke crying & we couldn't get her to stop for ages.

Far out it was embarrassing having to front the other campers in the morning who on both occasions were very good about it. I still felt like a bit piece of merde though.

I must say when she got to the right height, she cracked her head on the table quite a few times. Also the issue of keeping an eagle eye when she was outside and mobile. Different stages bring different challenges. I suppose that won't change for quite a few years. I am not looking forward to the boy years. After all I know what you dirty bastards are like.

Replaced the window in wifies car yesterday. The glass was surprisingly hard to source. Ended up finding a second hand one & driving to the big smoke to pick one up from Abdul & Achmed for "Cash". I watched them take the window out of a damaged car so I know it's not a midnight spare. Sure can't vouch for anthing else I saw in the shelves. When I arrange for the window tint to be replaced all will be forgiven although I am sure never forgotten. :sarcastic:
You need a hand maiden....have you considered asking Dave if he wants another job?

Keep on dreaming guys, keep on dreaming. Haha.

My phone line is working again, should "fixed" tomorrow.

I got my Nav.asia fix, so I am happy. The Telstra linies can fix it.

There being payed to do it.
Absolutely flabbergasted that anyone would take up with a woman like that.

Why? If there isn't a bed and a roof I ain't going either. I've done my days camping, I like a mattress and a roof that means no matter how hard it rains I wont get wet and towing a caravan annoys the shit out of me, I'd rather haul 50 tonnes than haul a caravan.
My phone line is working again, should "fixed" tomorrow.

I got my Nav.asia fix, so I am happy.

Man if my line went down using my mobile to get on the net would be the last think I'd consider, you are an addict Dave!

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