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I ride around with a group of motorcyclists and one of the ladies was given one of those shee wees for a joke about 12 months ago. The expression on her face was priceless :rofl2:

Told my neighbor i would buy her one , and then she could stand and piss like a man. Funny that the lesbian in her didnt see the funny side:rambo:
Much rain down your way Krafty

Not sure on the exact quantity but it's been raining since yesterday morning, not overly heavy but steady enough to ensure we aren't out on the farm like we are suppose to be.

Two nice and fine days last week and two of us were crook and couldn't even summon the energy to go outside let alone the farm and now we are better it's bloody raining. I love winter!
We are suppose to be building a fence so landcare can pay us...I mean plant trees, but even without the rain right now one section would be way to wet to venture into given that it's a water course.

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