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not painting a pretty picture r u.

It's a picture I know you'd want hung in the lounge, even if it was above the fireplace to keep the kids away from the fire.

Aint that sweet, it appears Davey boy is missed, now if only we knew which Davey boy was being missed we could aim better.
Hey Krankin your surpassed the 4000 figure without any bells, whistles and fan fare. It must be because you left the country and people really miss you.

Hopefully the party will be organised for after you return.


The sheep is for little Dave because there is no cow icon and we should all be able to share in your glory!
Not so cold here, we've just been down the shops and visiting and I was actually considering mowing the grass when I got home. But for some reason when I pulled in the driveway I'd lost all desire to do it.
I was telling myself that since Saturday when I used the "I'll do it tomorrow" excuse knowing full well we were headed for a week of rain but I was up at my parents place before and the grass was bone dry so I knew using that excuse was not going to wash even with myself.

Scattered showers tomorrow so I'll do it then and leave the bin for the garbage man on Friday while I go off to another Field Day to spend copious amounts of money on cheap crap and stuff I probably don't need.

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