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Tony what or who is it you are answering??

As far as glow worms there is the GLOW WORM TUNNLE in the blue mountains not far from lithgow and GLOW WORM GLEN at Bundanoon

I was answering Siringo (a post or two above my response).

The glow worm thing? I know it's the clubhouse, but I was being absolutely on topic for this thread, and as far as I knew (and what the rangers in Marakoopa cave told us too), there were no other glow worms around.

We'll go looking for those, they were fascinating.

Not only is guava a tasty and excellent source of vitamin C, but we're having trouble stopping the thing from propagating - the seeds readily start another tree and they're quite hardy. They are susceptible to fruit fly attack though, so fine mesh nets are advisable as the fruit appears.
We never have trouble starting the farm 'Lux, the biggest trouble we have is getting used to how down classed the top of the range 'Lux is compared to our other vehicles.
The 09 didn't have much more as standard. Not sure if things have changed since but in 09 Yota still charged extra for an A/C in the Lux Poverty pack.
Not all dealers are equal.

Booked mine in for the 20,000 service & asked about the pollen filters.

Told me they are not installed (which I already knew) & they don't bother putting them in because they are not needed & the $$.

See there are good guys out there.
I agree they aren't needed unless your crossing the dessert or in constant dusty situations. I did once have a set of home made filters in there but I didn't reckon they made a huge difference to my car so I took them out and have been running filter free from about 20K. I have also been through a few coal dust storms without any issue.

For those who want them though last time I looked on ebay they were available for less than my dealer quoted me for trade price.
I heard Repco sell them a lot cheaper too, but just don't bother going to Repco in Newcastle. The guys have trouble finding the door lock to get in of a morning. They might have the things in stock but they'll call you in a week when they fall from the ceiling and hit them in the head and they figure out what that handset thing with the buttons on it is for. You'd have more success looking for them inside a box of corn flakes than asking those guys. I truly don't understand how those morons can remain employed, the entire staff combined don't have enough brain cells to use a plural.
I'm fairly sure Ryco list them for the R51 but not the Nav. I don't know the price but I remember seeing them listed in one of those books hanging on the shelf at SCA.
I couldn't help myself. I asked them to fit a snorkel at the service too.

Hate the thought of a big hole in my guard but some of you buggers lead me astray :).

I want to go on another trip up north in the not too distant future & don't want to limit my options if there is a little water to cross. Last time we used wifies car & the intake is just above the radiator support panel. No way am I going to walk out to check the depth if there are croc warnings & on one occasion I was a little nervous that the water was getting a bit high for the intake. The Nav's intake is probably a little lower again.

There is a bit of an argument about as to whether the air filter will be cleaner or become dirtier more rapidly with a snorkel. The dealer says in his experience those without get dirty twice as quickly but either way I am not fussed.

And I reckon Repco has gone down a similar path to Dick Smith stores. Once they knew their stuff but now they are just like a department store.
Well I'd be interested to hear how long someone who states that air cleaners with snorkels last twice as long thinks they can go without replacement, especially given that the sticker on the air box says clean ever 10K and replace every 40K.
Maybe I should have said "get twice as dirty".

I made the statement to him that it was my understanding that the air filter would become dirtier more quickly & he disagreed (blah blah) apart from there being a few bugs that wouldn't be there without a snorkel.

Chances are it will be a waste of money in my case but I can always sit back & :wristy:
I'm not arguing the worth of snorkels I was just curious about the dealers comment. But I'm also curious as to why dealerships want to change filters so quickly when probably 98% of the cars they would see just don't need it done that often. Money grabbing definitely isn't part of their game.
I’ve got to pull the starter from my Niva on the weekend. It has been turning over really slow & has now almost stopped. I might get the RACV to come out to get confirmation of my diagnosis. A bit of value perhaps from my Total Care membership? Given it is probably 1960's technology, they surely can't use the old excuse about not being sure & needing specialised equipment.

I was spruiking the other day how the spare wheel is under the bonnet. Yeah & because it is designed as a left hand drive vehicle, the steering box, brake & master cylinders & booster are effectively on the wrong side , all packed in around the starter.

Gawd help me.

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