Proposed Regulation changes for raising and lowering vehicles

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Mar 5, 2009
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The Bubble (Como) Sutherland Shire
Hi Fellas

Received this today.

Dear Shane

This morning, I obtained a copy of the Keneally Labor Government's latest plans to introduce their long-feared harsh new vehicle suspension regulations.

A copy of Labor's latest VSI-50 regulation can be found here.(link below)

I am in the process of going through the document and speaking with affected 4WDers and car enthusiasts.

Please email me and let me know what you think of Labor's latest vehicle height regulations.


Andrew Stoner

Here is the link

Shane :cheers!:
That docco follows pretty close to the national Code of Practice laid down last year. Although different states are going in different directions. It states body lifts are acceptable and yet many engineers will not pass them if your vehicle is fitted with air bags. The 50mm rule is basically up to that height is self regulated as in its up to the driver to only go 50mm in total lift. Over that amount will require an engineers report up to a max of a 6 inch lift.
The interesting part will be if they try to impact those rules on already raised or lowered vehicles.
Will be interresting to see when and if they implement these new rules
Wouldnt surprise me in the least if they try to. The did it here with bikes a few years ago out of the blue people with 2 stroke enduro type bikes got a letter saying that as these bike dont have compliance plates they will no longer be renewed. So all of a sudden the perfectly good bike thats taken you to work for the last few years is all of a sudden no longer road worthy. Pricks!!
I have to say, the proposed changes this time look entirely reasonable compared to the last attempt they made!!

Cheers brad
Its basically 50mm self regulated lift and no dramas. From 51mm to 150mm is by engineers report only. Above 151mm leave them at home.
Thats measurements from wheel centre to guard arch or eyebrow so doesnt matter body lift ( where you find somewhere legal to do it) or suspension lift or even wheel size increase lift
We have just as useless Labor state government as you guys, but at least your premier is smoking hot! Ours is just a sour bitch!
The interesting bit states that for vehicles raised 51-150mm it may lead to restrictions being placed on vehicle. Read 'what is the status of vehicles raised or lowered more than 50mm?' on page 9/11.

..blah blah...'unless specifically excluded or exempted, such vehicles will not be granted registration allowing unrestricted access to the road network, but their registration will be issued with conditions.....'

oh, and shackles must not be 3 under 'Raising a vehicle'...

This stuff was written in 2006 as the NCOP and its only now becoming Law
This actually isnt anything new its just that some brain ache has decided to make it law finally in other states. This has been the state of affairs in the ACT since the NCOP was written

The wheels tyers and suspension stuff
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OK guy's it's happening again and I think we all need to be heard loud and clear. The draft that Andrew Stoner had isn't close to the rubbish that these clowns are going to try and sneak through. This form Rick @ 4WDAction
Guys, that link from Andrew Stoners office IS NOT the current draft. The current draft is being held very close to the chest of the alleged desicion makers, and they have all signed confidentiality clauses that stops them from sharing it.
The word is that the current draft is a LOT closer to the rubbish that was put up last year, and it is not allowing for anything over 50mm. Fullstop.
As it has already been stressed, we ALL must act NOW if we are to have any chance of making this Government see just how strongly opposed the public is to this irresponsible piece of would-be legislation.
Time to get emailing fellas, we can't give ground on this because where will it stop?
[email protected]
all done
everyone needs to get on this no matter which state you're from. the legislation could set a precedent that may be adopted everywhere. email the link to all freinds and family - the more the better

Go to work, go home, pay your taxes, sit in your little dung heap, SHUT UP, do as your told, don't make waves .... thats what our useless lazy polies want!

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