Power chip - DTUK/DTE PDI Pulse Modulation System

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I have had my chip in for a week now and finally feel like I have fine tuned it to a suitable level given the current operating conditions of my ute. I have ended up down tuning the chip and it is now currently set to Map2 -3. Along the way I have realised that every vehicle is different and that what people write on here is not nessisarily applicable to all vehicles. I have also realised that the air intake system on a D40 is crap - and my next project is to remedy the fresh cold air induction issue.

I ending up using Map2 -3 which was a surprise to me as it is now on the lowest setting using a Map that most others on this forum seem to avoid. I initially started on the default setting which is Map 1 and the engine had significantly more power and pulled right passed 4000rpm but I did notice that if I really put my right foot into it it would labour slightly and not accelerate as well as partial throttle. I concluded after a 500km drive that the engine was getting too much fuel due to the large amounts of smoke from the exhaust under heavey throttle. So after a few calculations (based on this http://www.nissan-navara.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5243 - well worth getting your head around if you get one of these chips) and trial drives on bitumen and gravel roads, a couple of 4wd tracks and some sand driving I ended up with Map2 -3.

The vehicle only puts out a small puff of smoke at 2000rpm in 2nd gear (I assume due to insufficient cold air through the system to burn the fuel) and then produces no obvious soot at any other rpm in any other gear. The power gain from about 2200 is impressive right past 4000rpm and the torque gain from 2000 rpm is really noticeable, i.e. it will break into a wheel spin on a gravel rd in 3rd gear if you even touch the throttle. I would consider my ute to be fast now - I may have even felt it pulling hard in 6th gear as the speedo past 180 km/hr before thinking "this is rediculous - what am I doing?" and slowing back down to normal speeds.

I am very happy with that the result has been, but it has been very difficult to fine tune it... and has taken about 250km of driving to get it right (excluding the 500km intial drive). I would rcommend that if anyone is going to purchase a chip of this type (injector chip) read this thread (http://www.navara.asia/showthread.php?t=11687), then sort out the air intake issue via either a snorkel or cold air induction system BEFORE installing the chip - then spend time tuning it for YOUR vehicle. Dont think what works for others will work for you.

I am now in the process of deciding if I should build a cold air box, or put a snorkel on my ute.... and going by the gains I have already got - she is really gonna be a beast!